How To Improve Grades

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- Pay attention in class
•Focus and pay attention when the info is first presented to you. Really listen to what the teacher is saying and keep yourself engaged by asking questions and taking notes.

- Take notes
•Don't write down everything your teacher says, just write down the basics. Always write down what's on the board and important info on work sheets. This will help you to improve your studying strategies.

- Don't skip food
•Have snacks between classes and drink water. This will help your brain concentrate. Also, don't skip breakfast! You won't think clearly for the rest of the day!

- Always study
•Set aside time every night to go over material from the previous week and make sure you remember and understand everything. Use index cards to help study.

- Ask for extra credit
•This can help make up for poor grades you got earlier and help you in the end. Make sure you have all your homework turned in though because they may not give it to you then.

- Extra help
•Study with your friends, but make sure your focused. You could also get a tutor for help.

Hope this helped. Comment if you need any help with anything.

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