How To Break Up With Him

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- Do It In Person
• It's easier to break up in person if you don't look them in the eye, but breaking up with someone over the phone or text can be extremely hurtful to the person.

- Break Up Calmly
• If you say the dreadful words " we need to talk", he'll immediately no what's going on, and that's not bad. You don't want to blurt out," let's break up" out of the blue, or worse, when you're in an argument. Approach the break up calmly and peacefully, with a sense of resulution. Sit down with him and let him know that you've decided to end the relationship.

- Be Prepared for Questioning
• He will want to know why your'e breaking up and whether there was anything he could've done to prevent it. Answer the questions as honestly as possible.

- Cry
• The other person will likely be upset, and it will show. You can comfort each other, but don't change your mind even though you'll feel bad. You can't make everyone happy.

- Arguing
• He may disagree with the things you say during the breakup, but don't get dragged into a fight. Let him know that arguing isn't going to change your decision.

- Begging
• He may offer to change. If he didn't change when you discussed your problems in the past, its too late to expect him to change now.

- Distance Yourself
• Don't call him, don't text him, don't go to places he usually hangs out at. Your ex may try to get in touch, but wait a while before you start talking again. You felt close to him at one point in your life, and you'll probably always have a soft spot for him. But its time for both of you to move on from each other's lives and be happy for who you arend how you live in the future.

Hope this helped! Comment if you need info something.

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