How To Winter Dates

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❄- Ice Skating
• This is one of my favorite winter date ideas! I love the idea of warm cocoa, holding hands, and floudering around the ice. Even if you're no the best ice skater, don't worry. And what could be better than having your guy/girl catch you?

❄- Snowboarding/Skiing
• Use the season to your advantage: kick off a new romance with a little adventure by inviting him/her to go snowboarding with you. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, this type of activity will show off your adventurous side.

❄- Your Very Own Film Festival
• Each pick one of your more obscure favorite films, load up on snacks, choose the most comfortable couch,and hit the lights.

❄- Hit the Lanes
• Keep things fun and flirty with a trip to the bowling alley. Laugh when your ball falls into the gutter or make a bet on who will get the best score: winner picks the next date plan.

❄- Coffee Date
• The hot, sweet or spicy drinks, and some coffee shops even have a fireplace and soft, squishy couches makes a perfect date!

❄ - Holiday Party
• Go to a family or friends holiday party and as a bonus, you might see your guy/girl dressed up and he'll/she'll get to see you dressed up too.

Hope his helped. Comment if you need info on something.

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