How To Convince Parents

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- Know things about what you're asking for.
• Be sure you have a good understanding of what you will be asking from your parents so you can answer any and all questions they might have. The more you know about it, the more mature and responsible you will sound.

- Do your chores and clean around the house
• Probably the first thing your parents may ask is,"Is your room clean?" Your answer should be yes! Do everything you're supposed to do so your parents may reward you. Also maybe do just a little more than you have to do so they will think "Wow! You really deserve a reward!"

-Pick the right time to ask
• Find a time when they seem relaxed and happy to have the discussion. Do not ask when they seemed stressed or tired because they might get annoyed easily. A family dinner is a great time to ask!

- Give them time to think
• Don't force out an answer right away! Tell the to think about it overnight and if they have any questions or concerns to ask you, say you want to discuss this in a mature manner and are willing to work through any issues.

- Compromise
• Work out an agreement that makes you and your parents happy. Offer to pay some money for the thing or offer to help out more around the house.

If They Say Yes
• Be sure to say thank you a lot and don't be a brat. Make sure you do everything you're supposed to do or they may take it away.

If They Say No
• Ask them the reasons why they said no. Ask them any other concerns they have, you may be able to address them. Remember to not get mad at them, be mature ad listen to what they have to say. You may be able to change their minds and rememeber, don't give up. You will get it at some point.

Hope this helped! Commet if you need any info.

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