Twenty one

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"I told you not to drag her." Nathen said.

"She keeps moving. Can't I just kill her?" Miku asked. Carly was trying to break out of the ropes they tied her hands with. She tried to kick off the ropes that tied her feet. But the mere thought of being killed left her frozen.

"I'm sure she'll keep still now. Plus, we need her alive right now." Nathen told her. Carly was lifted up again and thrown over Miku's shoulder. For a little looking girl, this Miku was strong.

The blind fold she put on Carly fell off so she was able to see where they were taking her. They went back down the closed off hallway and back to the classroom where she first saw Miku standing in. She and the other two stopped at the board.

"What are you doing?" Carly asked. Nathen walked to the whiteboard and pressed a series of locations on the board. The spots he touched lit up green. She remembered seeing Miku hitting the board earlier. Was this what she was trying to do?

They all stood until the entire wall began to shake. The room growled as the wall continued moving to show a secrete passageway. It was dark and gloomy, but unexpectedly clean. Wherever they were going, they went to it a lot. All she could really see was the grey tiles on the floor until it turned into stainless steel. She peaked over her shoulder to see they reached another door. Tom opened it and they all went in.

The room was dark until Nathen flipped a switch. They went down a staircase to what looked like some underground research room. There were experiment tables in the middle, a huge computer on the wall, a long table towards the back with test tubes and jars, and a wall full of weapons she wouldn't expect a lab to have.

"What is this place?" Carly asked.

"Now that we've made it back, Miku, take that bracelet off her wrist. That needs to be disposed of properly." Nathen spoke to Miku without even paying attention to Carly's question.

"Okie dokie." Miku reached for her arm and pulled off the bracelet.

"What are you going to do with my bracelet?"

"That thing has been the reason I couldn't get near you, so I have to take proper action to make sure it doesn't get between us anymore." Nathen said. Carly remembered the talk KP and she had. It really was the reason he was acting strange. And he really did intend to kidnap her.

"So what, you're going to take my spirit or something to help you leave Midtown?" Carly asked. Both Nathen and Tom looked to each.

"So he did end up telling you. Well, knowing or not knowing isn't going to help you now since he's not here to save you. This'll make things a lot easier. Tom, set table B up." Nathen said. Tom went to the computer desk and held down a button. A table that was raised up high began lowering.

"Strap her in." Miku threw Carly on top of the table and took her hands and feet apart to handcuff them to the table. She tried to fight, but after being dragged around the school, she was weak and couldn't beat her strength.

"We just need to run a few test first." Nathen went to his computer and turned it on. Suddenly, the cold metal table grew warmer and warmer.

"Are you trying to cook me?" Carly asked. The table was growing even hotter than Lodia's hand.

"We're just getting a full body scan. Getting the body to a high temperature gives us a better reading with everything nice and active. Are there better ways of doing this? Yes, but we're limited on our resources, so I'm afraid you'll have to deal with this." He replied. It was bad enough Carly was captured like KP said, but now she's on what feels like a skillet being cooked alive. She was sweating and almost felt like her skin was burning. Her only hope was this being all a dream that she wishes so badly to wake up from.

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