Part 2: First Impressions

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You wake up way earlier than needed to get ready. Digging through your closet and dresser for the perfect outfit. Eventually, you decided to wear one of your Sun inspired looks.

Striped harem pants, a ruffly top, and a corset belt. All in Sun's yellow and burnt orange colors. Not gonna lie. You look like a clown, in the best way possible.

You fixed up your hair in the mirror. And finally, everything was perfect. With plenty of time, to go get coffee.

This time, when you opened your dorm room door. You were greeted with absolute silence and bliss. Nothing could ruin this jittery mood you're in. You start to hum to yourself. Skipping through the staff halls until you eventually made it to the main elevators.

No annoying Dave to accompany your ride to the atrium. The elevator stops, and you quickly make your way down to the food court.

Saying your normal good mornings to staff as you collect your coffee. You had about twenty minutes or so to get to the daycare.

Normally, on your days off, you'd go hang out with friends outside of the Pizzaplex. Living and working here, you sometimes forget what outside is like. It's good to get out.

You hopped back into the elevator with coffee in hand. You did your absolute best not to overthink meeting Sun for the first time. You might even meet Moon today during nap time. It excited and scared you.

The elevator dinged, Daycare pickup/dropoff was a short walk away.

Your Fazwatch beeped, alerting you of a new message. You attempted to read it as you walked.

"Y/N good morning!
It's me, Dave. I forgot to give you any information yesterday about your position or what to do!
Your Fazwatch has the whole schedule of the day on it.
Once you get to Daycare check-in, Miranda can help you out a bit.
Honestly, it's a really simple job! I always just sit there behind security, but you're allowed to interact with the kids if you want."

You knew about the schedule since the other shifts have similar ones. Though you just planned to wing the rest, so this was helpful.

You've been to the party rooms located by check-in many times. So this wasn't a new sight to you, as you walk down the hall. Just up ahead was the kid dropoff area. An employee is already situated up front. That must be Miranda.

The woman waves you over to her. She looks you up and down with the biggest smile on her face.

"You must be Y/N! Wowie, Dave said you were always dressed up nicely! You look like a mini Sun! Oh, I'm sure he will love it!" She psyched, leaning over the little receptionist podium.

"Thanks! I sure hope so! You must be Miranda? Dave said you could help me out." You return the excitement.

"Oh, I sure can do that! So Dave's job is daycare security. Make sure all kids are attended for. No one gets hurt, and that Sun keeps on schedule! That's all there is to it dear but, I heard from a little bird that you love kiddos. So feel free to play with them or help out more!" She explained while handing a nametag to you with a marker.

You write down your name and pronouns, pinning it to your shirt.

"You can go through that gate and down the stairs to get to the Daycare doors. But between you and me, first-timers should go down the slide at least once!" Miranda encouraged, nodding her head at the slide.

This might be the only time you have a shift working here. So you wanted to make it memorable. Starting with going down the slide!

You straight up chug the rest of your coffee. Tossing it in the designated bin. Miranda gives you two big thumbs up as you sat at the entrance of the slide.

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