Part 12: Golden Bunny

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There you stood, in the middle of the construction site meant to be Roxy's Raceway.

You barely remember where Vanessa brought you. Though you knew it was somewhere here. A failed project with mysterious mishaps.

Roxy's raceway was meant to open years ago. You didn't know too much about it since it was kept a company secret.

"You're here. Good." A shadow creeps forward, morphing into the silhouette of a certain security guard.

"Not like I had a choice. So what is this, a company meeting? Family dinner?" Your sarcasm pulls a few chuckles from the girl.

You see hints of golden blonde locks tied in a tight ponytail from where you stand. Vanessa steps forward, no longer the ever-dark and ominous presence she normally is.

"This is a celebration dear Y/N. You did well. I made the right choice for a new toy."

"Celebration?" You ask, looking around the place. Metal tubes, tools, boxes, and construction cones. "Where's the music and booze?"

"The celebration isn't here, you fool. It's down there." Vanessa points off in a vague direction. Making you more confused than before. But the blurred image of traveling down somewhere dark and corrupt comes to mind. "Don't you remember? Are you feeling alright, lost your mind?"

You blink and shake your head like you're trying to wake up from a bad dream. Why can't you remember, even back with Moon the night before? Anxiety snaked through your veins at the very thought.

You'd almost be able to convince yourself that you died. That horrible night with the red-eyed Bunny.

"-I. I can't remember." You whisper out to yourself more than anyone else.

"Poor thing, it's alright. Once you meet with him, it will all make sense again."


Vanessa and you shuffled into an elevator shaft. Going deep under the Pizzaplex to a place you never knew existed.

A cavern of old rubble. Like they slapped the entire Pizzaplex on top, and this was the result. Company generators light up the mess of layered concrete.

If you focused really hard, you could almost remember walking this same path. The further you went, the louder your body screamed at you to turn back.

All of this was a complete Osha violation. And somehow, in this pancake of old buildings, a whole ass old restaurant was here. Crumbling apart but easily recognizable.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Vanessa asks from beside you. Ambling along like this was some flower garden.

"A sinkhole of trash is beautiful to you? I feel like this place is gonna collapse on us..." You look around nervously.

"Don't you realize what this is?" Vanessa asks excitedly. Continuing on as you give her a blank look. "This is a Fazbear restaurant from before. This was the last restaurant owned by one of the founders, Henry Emily."

Your eyes widened in pure shock. The creators of Fazbear Entertainment Inc. Before Fazbear Entertainment LLC. William Afton and Henry Emily.

The names were tossed around as fairytales. No one knows what was true and what was fiction made up by the franchise. The horror games that used them as fictional characters made it all more confusing.

Vanessa walks over to the edge of a sinkhole in the middle of this half-crumbled building. Staring down into it with a strange smile.

"This was the final resting place of William Afton."

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