Part 8: Always watching

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In the morning, you got up and fixed yourself up per usual.

Looking down at your hands, you see the ring from before. You smile down at it, deciding to keep it on.

Your chest still felt ok. You wouldn't have to collect blood today.

You skipped the coffee, making your way to parts and services.

Joyce greeted you, hugging your stiff body tight.

"Y/N, we were so worried. I'm so sorry to hear there was an emergency yesterday!"

"Yes. Yesterday was hard for everyone."

Joyce nodded in agreement.

"Wanna go say hi to Monty? He's been worried sick. We're working on his endo legs today. And then we will have to add the outer shelling."

You walk inside, seeing a relieved Monty in the repair station.


"Monty, I'm so sorry..."

Monty had endo arms attached to his body now. He looked better than the last time you saw him.

"For what, Rockstar?"

"For causing you pain."

"You mind explaining what happened yesterday?"

"I can't disclose information. Something really bad happened. But it's ok, everything is gonna be ok now."

Monty looked at you with a pained expression. "Y/N... You seem different."

You stared back at Monty, feeling your hands begin to shake. It was like he could see through you. You gripped at one of your wrists to stop it.

"I think you should leave."

You didn't know what expression was on your face. "If that's what you want..."

You swallow down, turning on your heels and marching out.

Joyce grabs your arm as you are leaving. "Hey, is everything ok?"

It feels as if electricity ran through your body. You lash out, ripping your arm free from her grip. This causes Joyce to lose balance and crash to the floor.

The tech crew all turn to look at you. You stare down at the weak thing on the floor... Why aren't you helping her? You offer your hand to her after a few seconds.

"Joyce, I'm sorry. I don't know what - I'm not feeling myself."

"Hey, it's ok. I'm a clutz. Whatever happened must have really got to you, huh?"

You glue your eyes to the floor. Stunned by your own actions. By your thoughts. Without saying another word, you continue through the door.

"Jeeze...Monty, what did you say to them?"


As you are walking to the utility tunnels, you look down at your wrist. Noticing a red hand mark.

You're so much stronger than before. You could hear better, see better. How much of you was still, you?

You noticed as you walked through the tunnels, eyes staring at you. The dead eyes of security and staff bots moving from place to place.

Was it that animatronics could see right through you? That's right, you no longer have a heartbeat. You wondered how you looked to them. A corpse walking about.

You wore long sleeves today to cover up the wounds on your arm. Vannessa warned you not to rough around much. She said it could open your wounds, and then you'd lose precious blood.

Unbreak My Heart (Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now