Part 3: He hates me

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"Hey guys, I have an idea!" You announce to the children flocked around your feet.

"Let's all hide before Sunny gets back!"


The kids thought this was a grand idea. Everyone dashing around to find a good hiding place. The room was full of hushed giggles.

Ethan tugs at your pants to get your attention. You bend down to get a better look at the little guy.

"Hey, Y/N! Let's hide together! Follow me!" Ethan demands.

All of the other kids were scattered about hiding. Some of them you could easily spot from their hiding places. Others were hidden away well.

You nodded to Ethan, following his lead. He enters one of the play structures. You do your best to follow, crawling through cramped tunnels, and through little walkways.

He led you to a dead end. It was a small green room with only one way in and out.

"Quick get in here!" He whispered, crawling inside.

You follow him in the cramped space. The two of you sitting up against the wall with the exit, so it'd look empty.


Sun came back the minute you and Ethan got settled in.


A few giggles erupted from the kids.


Sun played along, every minute catching a child. He made them all sit at the tables once caught.

"Y/N, stay here. I'll go see how many are left." Ethan whispered to you.

Scampering up from where he sat and crawling out. It was quiet for a bit but then you heard sun scream out.

"GOTCHA!... HMM NOW LET'S SEE. WHO'S LEFT? OH, THE SECURITY GUARD!" You hear Sun talking to himself nearby.

He sounds close like he is in the play structure you are in. You shuffle around in your hiding spot. Debating just coming out since you're the last one left.

But as you turn to leave, you're face to face with Sun.

"GOTCHA!" He cheered.

Clobbering into your hiding space and trapping you in the corner.


Inching closer to you and gently brushing aside some hair that got out of place.

You examined his face, intrigued to be up so close to the animatronic. Before shaking your head from the thought and laughing nervously.

"Heh- you sure did, Sunny! L-let's go get ready to welcome the new kids." You stutter over your words.

You weren't sure why, but being close like this made you feel weird.

His hand connected to the back wall, trapping you against it. Leaning closer to you, you swear you could even feel him breathe on you.

You knew for sure your face was glowing red right now. You were confused as to what he was trying to do. Maybe this was payback for startling him earlier.

After a few breathless seconds, he turned around and left. You slumped down to the ground, trying to figure out what just happened.

Outside the play structure, you can hear the new kids coming in. Sun was greeting them all.

Unbreak My Heart (Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat