Part 10: Lights Out

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The sudden piercing cries of Sunny slapped you back to your senses. You rush over to his side, gasping out.

"Sun! Sunny, what's wrong?!"


You feel your way over to the light switch, flicking it on and off to no avail.

"Sunny, what do I do?! The power is out or something. Please tell me how to help!"

You feel ready to cry from hearing such agonizing sounds come from him. But the sound suddenly is gone. You take some deep breaths relieved that Sun is no longer crying.

"You're ok now? Sunny?"

"...We finally meet."


This voice was new to you. Low and growly. But it came in the direction that Sun should be. And you know what happens when the lights are off.

It took a few more blinks for your eyes to adjust. You could barely see outlines and shapes even with your enhanced eyesight. But you notice there's no longer a figure standing where you expected them to be.

A metallic arm wraps around your waist as Moon chuckles lowly next to you.

"Do I, scare you? Little Star."

"Moon?" You ask in a soft tone. Your hand feels at his arm up to his shoulders. Used to the soft foam sun rays around his face. Moon had none. Your fingers reached up to his face. He barely moved an inch. "I can barely see you."

"You wish to see me?"

You nod your head in reply before remembering how dark it is.

"Yes... if that's ok."

Moon trails his long metal fingers along your upper spine. Causing you to shiver.

"Will the power come back on? It's a little creepy in the dark."

"The dark scares you, but I don't?"

"Well... we are sort of married now." You attempt to joke to hide your discomfort.

"Right, the fake wedding. Here, hold my arm and follow."

He holds out his long arm in front of you. You can barely make out the silhouette, reaching out to hug his arm tightly to your chest. Causing an amusing scoff from the animatronic.

He moved slowly, letting you take each step before he took another.

The two of you come to a stop after some time. You're curious about what he was planning. It's not like you can see better on the other side of the daycare.

"Are you scared of heights Y/N?"

"Uh- a little?"

"Then it's a good thing you can't see." Moon chuckles lowly to himself. You were about to ask what that meant. But you were caught off guard as he wrapped his arms around you.

He lifts you in the air, holding you securely against his frame. You hear a soft click, and then suddenly, you're both jolted upwards.

You yelp out in surprise, whipping your head around to try and see what was happening. It was less than a minute of being in the air before feeling as if you were on solid ground again.

Moon sets you back down, your feet happily finding a floor.

"What just happened?" You ask as you start to take a step away. But as your foot reaches where the floor should be, there's simply nothing. You scream out in fear as you lose balance and start to fall.

Unbreak My Heart (Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now