19. A gentlmen never tells

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Jacob whistled his merry way into the office after dropping off Yvonne at the station, still high from his weekend free of expectation and burden. Completely consumed by love and the company of somebody that made him feel like the Jacob he was before the war. Lost in deep conversations he hadn't opened up to anyone about. About his absent father, the pressures of heading the family. The loss of his twin brother. The horror he saw at night on replay. Listening to Yvonne's equally harrowing past, although different from his own, he could see the pain in her eyes and felt a sense of deep pride when his words and affection eased her pain, returning the vibrant sparkle to her eyes that he adored getting lost in. The smile he relished in finding ways to make appear. The ticklish spots on her body he'd found in their playfulness and her on him. The laughter and affection shared between the two was a far cry from either of their everyday lives.

"Enjoy yourself, brother?" Danny asked stepping into his brothers office
"You could say that, aye" he couldn't take the smile off his face
"You finally pluck that flower you've been chasing" Danny laughed, shoving his brother
"A gentleman never tells" he chuckled "for your information, no. I didn't. Had a little taste mind."
"Bet you did."
"Any trouble?" Jacob asked lighting a cigarette.
"Nothing we couldn't handle. Those race dogs are top notch. Your girl came good. Worth every Penny we spent if you ask me. Even got some insider tips. He was happy with a night with the six whores at uncle Giles'. He gave him them top treatment like you asked."
"Good" he nodded, blowing out smoke "not why we did business with the vermin but glad it went smoothly."
"I know. From what Uncle Giles said it was worth stepping in. He was worse than that one at the swan. Couple of his girls are out of action for while after he'd finished with them. She's safe for now, brother."
"For now"

"Betty's been fretting."
"Whether you were going to come back or were running off into the sunset with your girl."
"Bloody Rachel" he tutted, shaking his head. "Call a family meeting. I'll go pick her up from Martha's. Surprise her."
"You know she hates it" Danny laughed "practically had to drag her there this morning."
"It's safer. When she's old enough that girls going to school and getting a good education"
"Not round these parts. We're not in the slums anymore Jacob but we're still not far off it. We could easily be back living in the filth with one bad year, one bad deal, one strike from any of our enemies....you think she'll still want to be your girl if that happens? She really understand what it is you have to offer? How different life is this side of the river of sin? Genuine question, brother."
"I do."

"I've got her permission to tell you all of her past, or the relevant parts. She has more reason to despise Richard bloody Barnes than any of us. She won't be a Barnes long" he smirked
"You getting hitched, brother? Bold move. Or will she not give it up unless you do?"
"Shut it!" Jacob laughed rough housing playfully with his brother.
"Just playing, brother. I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. You look good for it. A while since I've seen that proper care free smile, Jacob."
"Three nights in a row of decent sleep." He nodded "she purrs like a kitten, Danny" he blushed "it's been a while, she had me in the palm of her hand. Literally. She ain't as innocent as she looks." He tittered "her father has her checked. Make sure she's still pure. Presumably so he can offer her up or just to control her. Had to be extra careful, not get carried away. She's a little paranoid he would be able to tell. Not sure how he would, think he's just put the fear of god into the poor girl. Didn't even." He wiggled two fingers at his brother. "You know what I enjoyed?" He asked "nothing. Doing absolutely nothing. Just laying in long grass with her doing nothing, saying nothing. The screams and horrors left my mind and all there was, was her."
"Definitely love, brother" Danny smiled contently

"Gran would be pleased. She was worried about you after we returned, we all were. Never thought I'd see the day Jacob Evans got hitched, not unless money was involved or you accidentally popped a bun in someone's oven and they didn't want rid."
"Behave. You happy Danny? With Trudy?"
"It was a shotgun wedding, Jake, but I love her. I was going to ask her eventually anyway. Just felt too soon after mum. Proud father, me. Wouldn't change my little family for the world. You think you'll have kids, Jake?"
"One thing at a time! Besides I got Betty!"
"Your girl realise you come with extra baggage?"
"She does."

"Right I'm off to get the little rascal from Martha's. Get her a treat. Sticky buns all round. Big changes are coming our way. We're moving up in the world, Danny, my girls gonna help us. She's a smart one, with connections we could only dream of. She's gonna get us into places that we can't even get in through the back door of."
"So you are hooking a Barnes in. Marrying for money and influence."
"No. But she comes with assists and benefits. She knows she has to earn yours respects. Work to earn more than just my trust but yours also. She don't want to be a kept women or have people think she's using me. Like I said she's a smart one" he tapped his head smiling "family meeting, tonight, in the black swan, whole family" he pointed skipping out

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