Chapter Eleven

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His Sisters Keeper Part Two - Chapter Eleven

I followed after Bellamy and ignored all the comments about how crazy we were. Hell I was crazy, I did some crazy things. I knew this was another thing that I had to check off my list. Kill two people, go down to earth, kiss a frickin' dick, walk into a Grounder camp. The breeze picked up and made everything twice as eerie, I nervously swallowed and jogged to keep up to Bellamy.

In this place I didn't exactly want to be alone, Bellamy had jumped when he heard my footsteps behind him. Finn, Jasper and a few other people had followed. Either being loyal to their leader or just cared about Octavia, I for sure wasn't being loyal to my leader. I didn't like the idea of having someone to boss me around, we were on earth now and it wasn't the Ark. Yes I listened to some of the rules and I wasn't stupid enough to disobey them.

We had defiantly lost the trail. The sun was already up, the air was getting warmer since the rain cleared up. Finn still desperately looked around for the smallest thing, but he had found nothing. Back at the Grounder camp there was nothing either, it was risky walking through there at night.

"We lost the trail." Finn confirmed it.

Bellamy shook his head, he didn't believe it. "Keep looking."

I sighed and walked along side Finn, he listened to what Bellamy said and watched the floor looking for blood or something. I nudged his shoulder, noticing the glum look on his face. Finn sent a weak smile before turning to Bellamy.

"Wandering around aimlessly isn't going to help find your sister. We should back track-" Bellamy cut off Finns sentence.

"I'm not going back."

"Hey, where's John?" A girl asked, confusion on her face.

The small group stopped, I counted us. She was right, John was missing. I blinked a few times then turned to Finn. Jasper murmured something to himself, trying to keep calm.

"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far." Bellamy said.

"No that's not a go-" I started but Bellamy repeated what he had said and left in the other direction.

I stayed close to Finn, something dropped from the ground. I quickly turned around to see John lying on his back a deep cut in his neck. I put a hand up to my mouth to keep myself from screaming out in terror.

We jogged over to where his dead body laid. John was looking up, his eyes still wide open staring at the sky. I cowered behind Finn, not wanting to see another dead body.

"They use the trees." Finn said looking up.

We all stared up for a while, trying to see anyone that was perched on a branch higher up. Crows called and flapped their wings, flying from where they were sitting.

"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary." I shook my head thinking of the possibilities if we didn't, John would probably still be alive.

"Now can we go back?" The same girl that noticed John was gone said, her hair was pulled back away from her face.

"There." Jasper whispered, he pointed to something off in the distance.

A bulky black figure stood far away from us, but close enough to see us. My breathing hitched and I took a full spin, they were surrounding us. I pulled on Finn's sleeve and showed him the one behind us, I was too afraid to speak.

"We should run." Finn stated, everyone gave him a nod.

We ran through the forest like turkeys with our heads cut off. Our arms flailing around us, trying to keep balanced and from falling from roots beneath our feet.

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