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"Mother, what's a guardian angel?" A young silver haired child asked, his twin brother who had black hair, sat beside him with an equally curious gaze. "A guardian angel can be anything. They aren't always angels; they can be human or demon alike." Eva said running her hands through her sons hair lovingly. He looked up at her with confused eyes, obviously the young boy hadn't understood.

"If they aren't angels, then why are they called guardian angels?" Her black haired son asked with a frown. "Well Dante, the reason for that it's because a guardian angel's love is so divine that it transgresses all boundaries. And a love that divine is hard to come by. Guardian angels love their subject to where they would protect them with their own life. Humans, demons, and angels alike can be guardian angels, it just depends on if they love the person enough to die for them." Eva said and her white haired son frowned.

"Do I have a guardian angel?" He asked and Eva smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "Not yet Vergil, but when you get older there will be a woman who will fought to the death for you and she will not expect you to do the same. Same goes for you Dante." Eva said and looked at her boys sternly. "Promise me something though boys." She said and their eyes lit up.

"Anything mother!" The twins echoed one another; them glared at each other then looked back to their mother. "Promise me that if you find those guardian angels, that you will be their guardian angels. That you will surprise them by fighting right back for them. And promise me you will never let them go." Eva ordered and Dante gave her a salute, while Vergil nodded. "We give you our word mother. We will guard our guardian angels when we find them." They said and Eva smiled.

"Thank you." She said and the boys grinned. That was the last promise the twins ever made to their mother. The seven year old twins had no idea that just two Weeks later they wouldn't remember anything but that promise.

Vergil Age eight: first sighting.

Some boys had begun making fun of him for his appearance and that was when he first saw her, she had dark violet hair, which was a surprise, and electric blue eyes. "Hey freak, are you even listening?" One of the taller boys asked shoving him. Vergil looked up at him and sighed, snapping his book shut. "Why should I? Your insults harbor no meaning to me. Besides, all I interest in is my reading, which you pests very much enjoy interrupting" Vergil said and the older boys laughed.

"Nerd. That's what you are. A puny little nerd who needs to learn his place." The tallest boy said and punched Vergil. He continued to beat Vergil until his hand began to ache. Vergil didn't whimper, he didn't make a single sound, this pain wasn't a bother to him, it was nothing. He caught her eyes, the girl was only watching in fear as they were beating him black and blue. The girl saw Vergil's beaten bloody state and then saw them begin to kick him and begin the abuse again. Before she could think about it and decide not to help, she ran at the tallest boy and tackled him. The other two boys pulled her off their friend and began to taunt her.

'Run' she mouthed to him and he got up and ran glancing back to see them toss her to the ground, uninterested and begin to look for him once more. He left the school and ran straight back to the orphanage, where upon entering, the nuns exclaimed their distaste with what happened to him. " oh dear...they sure let you go easy this time." Sister Annabel sighed rubbing alcohol on his scrapes.

" They didn't let me go. A girl helped me escape. She tackled one of them when they began kicking me." Vergil said wincing as she threw him a dirty look. " that girl saved you from another severe hospital visit." She said and Vergil nodded. "I will thank her tomorrow." He said and she smiled. "You're such an intelligent young man; it's a shame you're stuck in here. Maybe someone will adopt you and give you the life you deserve." She said and ruffled his hair as she walked away, leaving him in his room in silence.

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