Strength of Heart pt2

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Violet led Vergil to a tunnel at the end of the blood pond. At the end of the tunnel was one of those oh so familiar portals. He turned to her and her demon arm shot forward, he had no idea what had happened until he felt the immense indescribable pain of his soul being ripped from his body. She released his soul once it was completely removed from his body. She gently set his body on the ground and cut a thin line down his arm. She dipped her fingers in the blood and wrote something in another language over the portal. She didn't seem to care that she had just removed his soul one bit, she just kept writing and this angered him.

"What did you do to me!" he yelled angrily. She frowned at him once she finished writing and turned around to face him. "You are going to go back into the realm of the lost souls. I can follow, but I cannot help you. You will have to accept the change and re-forge your hatred into something more...appealing. "She said and he narrowed his eyes at her. "So you mean I have to go through that all over again?" he snapped. She raised a brow and tapped her finger on her chin lightly as if she were thinking it over.

"In a way, yes, but his time it is different. You must make peace with the hollows, accept their hatred and betrayal, accept your own hate and betrayal. If you decide you cannot, I will set your soulless body aflame with my black flames. Then you will become a lost soul just like all the rest within the portal. You know how to fix this. I know you do and I believe in you." She said and her eyes shone with that admiration that he had once ignored. "Why do you always admire me? Even after all this time. After every awful thing I have done. That same spark of admiration shines in your eyes. What have I done to deserve that from you? I don't understand it." He asked softly and she smiled.

"It's just because...I don't know why actually. I've just always admired you, no matter how much you scared me or worried me. You always had a grip on reality and you knew your strength but you didn't flaunt it. You were...amazing. Until that day... You really disappointed really did. And now that you are actually going to try and change again...I can't help but admire you once more." She said and he snorted. She blinked in confusion, but smiled lightly and rolled her eyes.

"You are foolish, you realize that?" he snarled and she looked at him with a raised brow. His eyes flickered from the beautiful blue to black. "And you're an idiot." She quipped angrily. He just laughed. "How so? Am I an idiot because of your personal views or do I act like Dante?" he asked with a smirk. She was going to show him how much of an idiot he was.

She frowned at him as she walked closer to his ghostly form. She slid Amaterasu from its sheath and she spun the blade within her fingers. "You can't touch me, Vergil. But... I could slice you to pieces. Oh and I thought you should know; if you get fatally wounded in your soul form, guess where you end up." She said with a smirk. His eyes trailed to his body where she twisted the hilt of her sword and set him ablaze once more. "You will change or you will die." She said and as he lunged for her she grabbed him with her demon arm and sent him flying backwards into the portal. "I said you couldn't touch me...why won't you listen?" she sighed.

On the other side of the portal...

Vergil took in his surroundings. This was way different from last time. There was crystal clear water green shrubbery and trees were all over. This place gave a calming sense of peace and serenity. This beautiful place was a paradise in its own right. Crystal clear water glistened from the light of the sun, colorful fish swimming peacefully under the surface. He saw lost souls floating aimlessly around and their souls were depressing. They made this beautiful place seem desolate.

Lucia's katana hit the ground beside him. He picked it up and slid it into the belt loop of his pants to keep it there. He heard gasps and praise being whispered loudly and he felt the hope emanate from the lost souls as they neared him. "You will need that." Her voice rang out from behind him. He turned slowly, because she sounded different. Her voice had a ringing echo behind it, but it wasn't scary or even eerie, it was beautifully harmonious.

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