A Surprise

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Dante reached out to rap his knuckles against Violet's door, but frowned and hesitated. Violet hasn't been herself according to Kat. He knew it was his fault though. Kat wanted him to make sure she was ok, since no one has really seen her since Vergil vanished. He couldn't bring himself to knock, the pain in his chest kept him from doing so, the guilt for all the pain he had caused her was keeping him from doing so. He sighed and as his hand started to drop the door opened a little. He could see the glow of her right arm as she hid in the darkness of her home, her brilliantly blue fingers curled around the door. It had been nearly eight months since Vergil disappeared, and just as long since anyone had seen her.

Only she knew what happened to him, the only thing she had said when they found her crying on his mother's grave was that he was gone. Dante didn't know if Vergil were dead or not, but the congregation of the demons wasn't good, he knew that. He hadn't seen Violet since that day. She had retreated to her home and blackened the windows and bolted all the doors with three deadbolts. She was either locking something out...or keeping something in. he wished she would tell them what she was hiding, or hiding from; they could help if she would let them.

"Violet..." Dante breathed, he was relieved that she finally opened up to one of them. He couldn't see her clearly but he saw her blue eyes glowering in the dark. Her eyes were still filled with the pain, betrayal and longing that they had been that day, but fear flitted through her eyes. She opened the door enough to where she could slide her arm out the door and still see.

"Dante..." Her voice was eerie and ghostly. Dante started to take a step back when her hand reached out to him. Her fingertips brushed over his cheek and then found its way to his jaw length white hair. "You're really here...It's really you...What do you want?" She asked quietly. "I've been trying to get you to answer the door for quite a while now. We need your help." Dante said and her eyes averted themselves from his face. He knew she didn't want them there, but they really did need her help.

"Are you going to kill him, or are you going to return him to what he once was?" She asked; her voice stronger and filled with anger. "Will I have to watch him die again?!" She snapped from her side of the door. Her cold eyes landed on him when she snapped at him. He could hear the tears in her voice. "No." He said and her demon hand gripped the door, causing it to splinter. "You will not have to watch him die. I will try and fix this. I just need your help." Dante said and he saw the slight smile that crossed her lips.

"If I help, I'm going to kill him." She said and Dante was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came forth. "Why would you kill him? You loved him." Dante said once his voice found itself again. "It's because I love him that I will end him." She said and Dante grit his teeth. "Give him a chance to explain! If you were in his situation he would give you a chance!" Dante growled and made a move to throw the door open, but her demonic arm grabbed him by the throat after clenching at the door, causing it to splinter and crumble under her angry grasp.

"A chance? You mean like the chance you could have given HIM? Instead of putting your blade through his heart?! He loved you. You were his brother and you tried to kill him." She snapped. "He said it was too late and that fighting was the last resort!" Dante yelled. He heard her grit her teeth and he could see the desperate and angry tears in her glowing eyes. Her grip faltered, but he knew she wasn't backing down just yet.

"But before the fight started you could have tried to talk it over. You could have... you could have..." she began but her voice broke and she sighed, "There was nothing you could have done that would make this any different...I'm sorry Dante. Bring Kat over and we will talk. I can't leave, the imprisoners are watching me." She said and Dante nodded when she let him go. He knew she wasn't truly giving in, she was just trying to tell herself that this was the only way things could have ended up, the only way they could have gone.

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