Welcome to Fortuna

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Dante sat at his desk, his feet propped up on his desktop as he spun rebellion's tip into the wooden floor of his shop. It was an old rundown looking building now, having seen many more fights than it should have seen. The years had passed on and the place only saw more wear. The rain hit the roof, reverberating loudly through the silent building. There was no laughter echoing down the halls of the place. There were not petty arguments on how no one ever got anything to make pizza, or even ordered it enough for that matter; echoing from the kitchen.

There was meowing that echoed off the walls, seeing as Kat had gotten herself a kitten; which had grown up to be the biggest asshole of a pet she could have ever chosen. Dante hated the noisy thing, it wasn't even a real cat. It was one of those fire breathing demon cats. His name was Salem, and his hobby was attempting to light Dante's ass on fire whenever Dante refused to feed him. Dante sighed and thumped the flat cell phone that lay on his desk. It had been silent as of late, which had confused him to no end.

There was no massive demonic happenings, no massive angelic happenings (there never was anything angelic happening anymore, the angels had abandoned them, or so Dante liked to believe.), there was nothing. Kat's sigils weren't of very much use right now while nothing was happening, so no one was asking for them or even buying them. Dante sight and tossed his head back against his chair with a loud sigh which echoed off the walls of the empty building.

The cat yowled at him, which was the most annoying and aggravating noise he had ever heard. He lifted his leg off his desk to slam it down on the demon cat but the door cracked open and he found himself unable to move in the slightest bit. "Dante... Salem was only trying to tell you we are back." Kat sighed and whipped her wrist in a circle, sending Dante into a flip which landed him face first on the floor. Salem walked over to Kat and rubbed up against her legs, purring loudly.

Dante made his way back to his desk, dusting the cat hair off his leather chaps. He tossed his legs back up on the desk and sighed as he tucked his arms behind his head; his spinning office chair tilting backwards and allowing him to get comfortable. "So, anything new?" he asked and Kat set a box of pizza on the table while Trish stole a piece from it and lady crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "There might be something, but why would I tell you? You owe me a lot of money and I think I have stumbled upon something huge so I could take this one myself and leave you out of it. I kind of like having you indebted to me." Lady said and he raised a brow.

"Meh, whatever. If it's something big I don't want any part of it." he said and grabbed a magazine and began flipping through the pages while taking a bite of his pizza. Lady was not amused with his dismissive display. "I was being sarcastic and you know it. I hate having you owe me money. Now... there are devil arms involved and supposedly angel arms as well." Lady said and Trish looked up from her slice of pizza. Kat watched her reaction with a small smile, the woman was easily motivated when it came to demonic weapons.

"Still not interested." Dante said and Lady swiped the magazine from his grasp, while Kat took his slice of pizza. "I don't think you have a choice in the matter anymore, Dante." Lady said with a smirk and he blinked as a rush of wind blew a pile of papers from his desk and he turned around to look behind him where Sparda's devil arm had once been. There was a note saying 'I'll see you there' and a red lipstick kiss at the bottom.

Dante's nose twitched and he slammed the box of pizza shut and swiped his red leather jacket off the coat holder by the door. Kat followed after him after grabbing the red and black motorcycle helmets on the cabinet by the door. She tossed Dante his red one and she pulled on her own. He was already on the motorcycle waiting on her. She hopped on the bike behind him and as the door to his shop slammed shut he caught a glimpse of Lady sitting at his desk, her feet tossed up on his desk and his pizza in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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