Strength of Heart pt1

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Violet brought the sword to her eyes then cocked it to her shoulder, her eyes glistening with those dreadful unshed tears the pain continued to bring with it. She strengthened her resolve and lunged. She knew she wasn't as strong as he was, she knew she was weak. She couldn't compare to the strength of either of them. She knew this, and yet here she was foolishly saying she was going to kill him. She was a fool. She was a fool for ever even loving him. She was a fool for even trying to think that he could be saved. She was a fool for allowing him to find out about Nero.

He handled his katana with expert skill. Every slash she threw at him, he blocked with ease. Dante saw his chance and he charged up his overdrive. Violet saw him do so and she sent one particularly strong swipe toward Vergil's leg. He blocked it by stabbing Yamato in the ground near his foot. His head jerked up when he didn't see her right hand on the blade anymore. She managed to smack him to the ground and she took flight as Dante's overdrive slammed into Vergil as he tried to stand.

One had hit him but the rest missed as he vanished and reappeared elsewhere. "Why do you try so hard?" He asked with a victorious smirk. Violet glared at him and wiped her eyes she hated crying, it made her seem even weaker. Her eyes stung and it was affecting her in how she was fighting. Everything about this fight was making her weaker. Every tear that fell from her blue eyes made her lose more and more confidence in winning this battle. She didn't want to have to use her last resort...if she did...there would be no turning if there was any turning back in the first place.

"I'm no match for you. I know this...but I can't turn back, not now. Because there is no turning back. We are all going to die down here because I'm the only one who can open a portal home. If you kill Dante, there will be no portal. If I die there will be no portal. If you die, I'm going home to see my son, and I am going to explain to him that his father wouldn't change and had decided his own fate, death. The only way you will ever return Vergil, is if I let you." Violet said and Vergil realized either way he was screwed. Dante smirked at her, he knew she would try to use that card on him, it was true, she was the only one who could open it, and she is the only one who could reopen it, seeing as Vergil's pendant is now in pieces.

Vergil grit his teeth and his devil energy permeated the area. His doppelgänger by his side, he lunged. Violet took to higher altitudes and began throwing daggers coated in her pure energy. "You're only weak because you refuse to gain power. If you would gain power you would be a formidable foe." Vergil said with a smirk as he appeared behind violet and grasped her wings. She tried to tuck them away but before she could he firmly planted his foot in the center of her back and yanked her wings. The resounding 'crack' that filled the area followed by her scream chilled Dante to the core.

Dante looked over at Violet, whom lay crumpled on the ground from where she had been slammed onto the ground by Vergil. Her face was planted against the ground, her tears falling over her face which was contorted in pain and suffering. He heard her pained cries and he grit his teeth as she looked up at him with tear filled eyes. Her wings lay limp and crooked against her back. "You have to do it Violet!" Dante yelled and rammed Vergil, who only skidded back. Violet knew exactly what he meant. But she really didn't want to...she truly didn't want to...

"This is it...there really is no turning back now." She said, stifling her sobs. She placed her right hand over the mark on her left shoulder as she stood. The black inky mark began to drip and become liquid under her demonic fingertips. It pooled into her hand and she clenched her fist and splashed the ink all over her wings and herself. She grimaced and held back a scream as her wings snapped back into place and healed. A long black blade formed in her right hand. It was a katana with a blue crystalline hilt. This was the last resort...of a fallen angel...

Dante nodded at her, this was her final trump card...Dante distracted Vergil while she readied herself. She held the blade over her head and opened a portal. Dante caught sight of the portal and instantly knew, she did not plan on returning. "Vergil..." she called out and Vergil turned her way. She readied her blade and lunged once more. He ran at her in the same fashion.

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