Strength of Heart pt4

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Vergil just made it out of the city when he saw the dead forest. The trees were greyed and falling apart. He could feel the immense hatred that seeped from the dead decaying trees. He saw the creeping, animals; they looked extremely malnourished and rabid. This place screamed its hellish nature. The plants lay dead against the ground, and the sky even seemed lacking color. He heard the laughter of his darker self, echoing through the forest; the cause of all the death and malnourishment was him. The laughter was eerie, and it actually made him a bit paranoid. He couldn't find out where his darker self was.

"You are a fool. Trying to keep the family you screwed over and never deserved. Che... power should be number one. Family is useless when you actually manage to possess the capability of dying." His creepy reverberating voice hissed. Vergil looked all around him he couldn't pinpoint where hollow Vergil was. He stopped moving and took a deep breath. He slowed his breathing and closed his eyes. His breathing was near nonexistent and his senses became honed in towards sound. His heart beat loudly in his ears and his breathing echoed in his mind. He heard the footsteps and pulled Lucia's sword to deflect the blow from the hollow Vergil's sword. Sparks hit Vergil's face from how hard the swords were grinding together.

"You won't win. Your human afflictions are returning. You are making yourself weak." Hollow Vergil said and Vergil sent him skidding backwards. "NO! My emotions are not making me weak! They make me stronger!" Vergil snarled and knocked hollow Vergil's sword from his grasp. Hollow Vergil cocked his head to the side as Vergil tossed down his own blade and ran at hollow Vergil. Vergil landed a hit on the dark nephilim and his eyes widened a fraction when the other's knee found his gut, and his hands found his forearm. Hollow Vergil swept his feet out from under him, but Vergil had prepared for that. Vergil spun within hollow Vergil's grasp, and the moment his feet touched the ground again, hollow Vergil was on the ground. Hollow Vergil shot to his feet and ran at Vergil, who ran at him as well.

"You are the hatred that lay within me. I may not understand you, but I want to accept you. Accept you and become stronger. I need to be stronger so I can protect my family, and so I can save Violet." Vergil yelled and as hollow Vergil got close, Vergil wrapped his arms around his darker self's shoulders and pulled him into a tight embrace. Hollow Vergil was stunned into silence, his eyes were wide. "You would accept me, knowing that I could wreck your entire existence. You are not as smart as I thought." Hollow Vergil snorted, but his angered eyes were softer now, he knew that with this simple action...he had been defeated.

"I am. You need to harbor hatred to know what love truly feels like. You need hatred to truly be able to protect those who mean the most to you. The best way to go about it is accepting it, as Violet has told me." Vergil said and hollow Vergil smirked. "You may be too late to save her." He said as he shattered and turned to dust. Vergil watched as the trees shot up and began to grow into a forest bursting with life. The gates beyond the forest were where he needed to go. He knew this because he saw the darkness that loomed over them. It was his final destination, or so he hoped. But he had a feeling trying to save Violet would be like finding a needle in a haystack. The rest had been easy to find. He knew the gate keepers of hell were doing this to spite him.

Movement in his peripheral caught his attention. He looked to see it was the lost souls. They had changed considerably. "Savior..." They whispered but it sounded like an eerie hiss. He tried to ignore them but found it was near impossible. That is the only thing they said and it echoed in his mind. He followed the path into the darkness that loomed ahead. The detailed lost souls followed, despite their annoying hiss of savior every few seconds...

He heard movement, but he knew it wasn't friendly. He smelled their fur, and heard their growls and rapid footfalls. He flipped back just in time to miss the sharp unforgiving claws of the hell hound, But before he could stick the landing another hell hound lunged for him and he spun midair to avoid his claws. He had hoped that was the worst he would face, a group of tiny wolves, but nooo. Fate had to say its "Screw you's".

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