The Tower

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Vergil paced and the demons around him cowered in fear. His anger was getting the best of him; his devil trigger flickered with his anger. Violet should have been back by now. He knew she wasn't really sick, he knew she was hiding from him. He knew her secrets, he knew all about her. His hair would go from laid down and in his eyes, to standing on end and an eerie white aura would surround him and his eyes would turn black and his skin would pale to bone white. He planned a visit to his dearly beloved really soon.

He clenched his fists and growled, and a wall fell over. He laughed, although the laugh was dark and evil sounding, but it was humored. "Now how did that happen? Now I like destroying things." He said starting at his fisted hands. He glanced at his newfound assistant, who was creepy in his own way. "Arkham...bring the book." Vergil said and the bald and burned faced man nodded. "we will witness the return of Temen ne gru..." Vergil said and flipped open the book.

With Dante...

Dante sat on his front Porch and rubbed his temples, the screaming of the baby wasn't what was getting on his nerves, because the brat never screamed, it was the smart mouth the two year old had. Yes he meant smart mouth. The child was very...VERY advanced in speaking. Oddly enough the child didn't have his father's personality. No he had the personality of his mother and himself. He could swear on his life that the child was most definitely not his, but that personality and his love of pizza screamed Dante.

Violet said it was due to how smart Vergil is but Dante knew better. The kid was going to be a smart mouthed, kick ass demon killer. He liked Nero, don't get him wrong, but the kid should not be talking yet nor should he have the muscle capacity to break Kat's middle finger! Not that she was flipping him off or anything, but you know, children like messing with fingers...and obviously nero likes breaking them.

A child's ball bashed him in the back of the head and sent Dante barreling off the Porch face first. Dante got a mouth full of dirt and he turned to glare at the tiny person responsible. And speak of the little devil, there he was now... "Got ya! Told you I could! Just because I'm just that much cooler than you!" Nero said with a haughty smirk and Dante grit his teeth. " NERO!" Violet screamed angrily and the kid shook in fear. Oh yeah, that's right, the brat was scared of Violet.

"That's right punk! Your mom wants you." Dante said and Nero looked from side to side, looking for a place to hide. But no sanctuary showed itself as an extremely angered violet yanked the boy up by his hood and toted him in. "How many times do I have to tell you to be nice?" She asked with a glare at the young white haired boy. "But uncle Dante isn't nice..." Was Nero's safety line. "Well that's because Dante has never been nice." and then his safety line was cut...

The kid was scared of violet, even though she was his mother, she scared him. He reached for the bracelet on her right arm and he pulled it off. The illusionary spell Kat had cast was broken and starting at the elbow her arm turned white and blue. Nero held up his arm next to hers and grinned with the childlike curiosity in his eyes. "Your arm...will my arm be like it?" Nero asked and Violet shrugged with a frown..

"There is a possibility that it may be like mine in the future, but I don't know..." She said and he poked at her arm grumbling. Her hair now was cut short. It was long in front and really short in back. It was still white, it hasn't returned to its purple color. She wore a thin white long sleeved shirt and a black vest with wings embroidered on the back. She wore black Jeans and black and white converse. She tried not to gather alot of attention but half the city knew what she was so she had already messed up. She was a badass demon hunting mother.

No one knew of Nero so they should be fine for now. She brushed her son's hair out of his face and smiled. "What about daddy, do I look like daddy?" Nero asked and Violet frowned. "More than you could imagine, but daddy is dangerous at the moment and you cannot see him at this point in time." She said and Nero cocked his head to the side and she sighed. "Your dad has become evil. The only two things we can do to get him back to normal are use you as bait or kill him, Nero. I highly doubt he will ever be himself again, so the latter is the only option..." Dante said and Violet grit her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut.

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