Relinquished Anger

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Vergil smiled slightly as his son rummaged through his hair. "Why is your hair so long? Don't girls only have hair that long?" Nero asked and Dante laughed while Vergil raised a brow. "No guys can have long hair too. When Dante and I were kids he always said he wanted long pretty hair like mommy." Vergil said, mocking the childish voice his brother used to have. Dante glared at him and Vergil smirked. "Uncle Dante..." Nero started, and Dante looked at the child. "Are you gay? Because dressing like you do; the lost souls say you look like a douche bag homo." Nero said, trying to pronounce the words but not really understanding how or what they meant. Vergil chuckled and reached behind him to ruffle Nero's hair.

Dante glared behind him at the tallest lost soul, the obvious leader, who was laughing. "Very funny asshole." Dante griped and the lost soul smacked him aside the back of the head. They made it through the woods, which now actually had animals grazing happily. Everything was so peaceful and happy outside of the gates but he knew once he got in there, it would be hell within.

They walked up to the dark gates and Nero shivered. "What is this place?" Dante asked watching as Vergil set Nero down. "Mommy is in there." Nero said, his lips quivering, his eyes filled with tears. Vergil crouched in front of him and nodded. "Yes Violet is in there, but she isn't herself. We are going in to help save her, alright? If we don't...mommy will be gone forever. We need to help her, Nero. Do you want to help?" he asked and Nero nodded. Then I want you to give your wolf to mom when I tell you to. Talk to her. Tell her you love her. Ok?" Vergil asked and Nero nodded and gave him a tiny little salute which he found incredibly adorable.

" Dante I want you to try and break through as well. Get her to trust you, to listen to you. Try to get her to smile." Vergil said and Dante nodded with a two finger wave. He knew Dante was just going to piss her off but a means of distraction was a distraction well used. Vergil turned to the lost souls and raised a brow.

"You, big guy, you wouldn't mind swiping the soul blade from under her left wing would you? If you don't get it then we are pretty much done for." Vergil said and the large lost soul nodded. "But, I do have a name. And it would be wise to use it." The lost soul said and Vergil raised an eyebrow at the taller, deader, male. "Then please enlighten me." Vergil said and the lost soul snorted. "I'll tell you later. We need to save the savior." He said then turned to the rest of the lost souls. Vergil sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ok fine...whatever..." Vergil sighed.

"Yall just float and say savior, lady savior. Got it? It's a distraction so I can get the blade." The tall lost soul said and the group made approving noises. Vergil was watching this with a look on his face that said exactly how he felt. It was once of those are you freaking kidding me looks and the lead lost soul chuckled when he saw the look he was getting for his amazing plan to steal the angel blade away from Violet. Vergil nodded and was about to walk in when Dante stopped him. "What got you sent back the first time?" he asked.

"Her time ability, Kronos I think she called it." Vergil said and Dante nodded. "Hey kiddo, go show mom what you have been training on." Dante said and little Nero grinned. "I can use the devil bringer? Wow!" Nero sounded like a kid who had just gotten the most expensive toy ever created. Vergil furrowed his brow because in the real world...his son didn't have an arm like that...he frowned and guessed it was a hint at what was to come in the future for his son...

"But you are using it against your mother's spectre, as in her ghost arm." Dante said and Nero grinned wider. "Alright!" she said and snapped the charm bracelet from his arm, his arm was small but it still looked demonic. His was dark blue, light blue; and red, with the same appearance as Violet's arm just different colors. Vergil frowned even deeper...he supposed that his son would have the arm because he wasn't fully nephilim either but he wasn't a demon or an angel like his mother...

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