Beginning Anew

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Vergil and Violet were glad to finally be back in the living world. They looked around and Vergil grimaced, he could sense the larger demons that were now running rampant because of him opening the ancient Hell gate. He looked at Violet and sighed. Her face was still a little flushed.

"Believe me; I knew none of what he was or what he was going to do. Obviously my father is exactly like Dante." Vergil said in his own defense. She smiled at him and nodded. "I understand. You hadn't seen him since you were seven; he obviously knew who you were, but umm. Don't plan on inviting them to any weddings." She said and Vergil chuckled. "That dearest was never part of the plan. I never thought I would see him again either, let alone be the one to help set him free." Vergil said and Violet smiled.

"Wait, wasn't he doomed to be eternally tortured or something like that?" she asked. "Well judging from what I know of lost souls, they are dead. So I guess my father gave in." Vergil said and Violet nodded. "That makes sense." She said and she grinned when they approached Dante and Kat's home.

She heard Nero yell happily and she knew they'd been spotted. The child jumped into her arms from the doorway. Violet walked into the house and hugged Nero tightly to her. Vergil turned around just in time for a fist to collide with his nose, very swiftly and painfully. Blood rushed out of his nose and he held a hand over his nose. He wiped away the blood and began to turn towards the person who hit him and as he did he said, "I deserved that." Which got him yet another wicked punch to the face, which sent him stumbling backwards. He looked up expecting to see his twin, but instead he met eyes with a very enraged black haired girl with a wicked roundhouse. Then there was the pain...And then there was darkness.

Violet watched as Kat floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee, very fast and unforgiving. Vergil wasn't expecting this type of homecoming. And neither was Violet. But it amused her to no end that the hollow Kat actually held the real Kat's rage. She struck once and made his nose bleed, struck again and broke it, the third time was the finale, the midair roundhouse kick sent him sprawling out on the ground backwards. Ding ding ding...K.O.

Dante helped bring Vergil into the house and they set him on the floor, it was just as cold and unforgiving as they were, Violet mused with a snort. She sat in the recliner with Nero on her knee bouncing him contently. Nero caught sight of the black metal ring with sapphires inlayed into the metal. He grasped her finger and eyed the ring with a grin. She smiled as he admired the dark metal band on her finger. It also caught Dante and Kat's attention. Dante raised a brow at her and she smiled and pointed at Vergil, who unconsciously curled up against the side of the couch and held his nose. Kat smirked and hmph'd her victory. "Dante. I met your mom and dad." Violet said. And Dante's head shot up at her.

"What were they like?" he asked and she smiled. "Your mother was nice, until we saved your father. Then she acted kinda like how I do when Nero is bad. Your dad..." Violet paused trying to find the words to say but couldn't. "He is just fucking like you, Dante. He flirts with everyone and is a pervert with a sick sense of humor. And for fuck's sake, Kat!" Vergil ground out from his place on the floor. Violet raised an eyebrow in confusion as to why he hadn't healed yet, her unasked question was answered in taunt for directed at Vergil.

She smirked at him writhing in pain. "Delayed healing spells, very good to use on people who heal within minutes, but piss you off for years." She said with a cocky tone. Vergil glared at her but Violet turned his face towards her and held a hand over his nose. "An angel fiancé with healing abilities, very good to have when the vindictive sister in law strikes." Violet said with a smile. Vergil sniffed and found his nose was no longer broken or even crooked in the slightest. He sighed, apparently at ease as he leaned back against his fiancé's legs. Nero had his wolf in his hands and before Violet could make a move to stop him or even want to, Nero hit Vergil over the head with the head of the wolf, which had those hard plastic eyes and that hard nose as well.

Vergil rubbed the top of his head and sighed. This was too much in one day. "So what was it like? Re-going through the change?" Dante asked. "She ripped my soul from my body and make me get all of the hatred based versions of you to accept me and me to accept your hate." Vergil said and Dante grinned. Vergil was getting irritated with this because he knew exactly where this was headed.

"So...what would happen if your soul was injured?" Dante asked. Vergil narrowed his eyes. "Yes Dante. It was like a fucking video game. I would shatter, fade away, and then be dropped back onto the blood pond at the very beginning. A very troublesome and annoying video game. Until the end that is." Vergil sighed and Violet laughed. Dante flipped Vergil off and leaned back into the couch. "Screw you Vergil, you suck the enthusiasm and fun out of everything." Dante griped and Vergil smirked. "Glad I could screw up your day bro." he said and Dante threw his boot which hit Vergil in the face. "Dammit! Why does everyone aim for the face?" he yelled and Dante laughed.

"Cause bro, if we hit it enough we could make you look good. You look like hell; and ugly as fuck." Dante said and Violet threw her stiletto heeled boot as Dante's face. "What is it with you and your father and calling Vergil ugly!" she screeched and Dante laughed.

"mommy..."Nero called out and Violet looked at him, he had tears in his eyes. "What is it sweety?" she asked and everyone focused on him. "Am I going to be ugly like dad?" he asked and both Violet and Vergil dropped their heads. Dante was laughing like a mad man and didn't care. "My own son...I'm betrayed." Vergil sighed, then spun and scooped Nero up from Violet's arms. And began the tickle fest. Nero's giggles were the only thing they heard for the next few minutes, until Vergil released him and allowed him time to catch his breath.

Violet frowned as the ground shook. She jumped to her feet, clutching the child closely to her. Rapid banging on the door was what got Vergil to his feet. He swung the door open to reveal a bloodied Lucia. "Lucia? What happened?" Kat asked and Lucia leaned heavily against the doorway to support her weight. She looked at them and her grimace said everything. There was more trouble out there than there was worth. Violet, Dante and Vergil's happiness faded away and they went to stare at the demons that were everywhere.

Violet closed her eyes and the bandages burst from her arm, she was not going to let them take over the world. Not again. Vergil grabbed Beowulf and slid them on his hands and feet. Dante grabbed rebellion and smirked. "Looks like they want to party. How about we give them the party of their lives?" Dante asked and Vergil smirked. "How about we make it the jackpot?" he asked and Dante grinned. "There ya go!" he laughed and lunged for the nearest demon, Violet and Vergil doing the same as Kat and Nero went to find a place to hide.

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