Unending Fates

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Violet was getting tired of all the fighting that she had been doing for the past fifteen years. It all started when she met Vergil, and from there demons made themselves known to her. She knew she was never human, nor was she a demon. Her mere presence always put people on edge, but when she met Vergil that all changed. He treated her like she was a human, like she belonged in the world she had been placed in. He made her feel at home. The years passed on by and things began to change. She'd met Kat, then about a year and a half later, Dante. They had become the best team anyone could have ever imagined. But...soon enough that all went downhill too.

They had defeated mundus, only for an hour later Dante to make an attempt on Vergil's life; and he actually succeeded. Violet had loved Vergil with everything she had and he had turned on them to attempt to become like mundus. After they had all thought he was dead, it was found that he truly wasn't dead and Violet had known all along. No one blamed her though, she had gone through more than they could have imagined and then she had her son, Nero. When Vergil made it known that he knew Dante and Kat weren't dead, he summoned Temen-Ne-Gru and opened the ancient Hellgate. Violet had then thrown herself into the darkest pits of hell to attempt to bring Vergil back to his senses by forcing him to face the hollows and his mother. In the end, he had changed back and he had then had to save her, she had succumbed to the hatred that had lay deep within her.

Not long after that, the returned to the world of the living where they had gotten a rude awakening; the bigger and stronger demons had found a way to the surface while they were in hell. The puppet-like demons hadn't had a chance against them and neither had the rage, the majority of those demons were wiped off the face of the earth by the larger, stronger demons that had threatened to take over the world years ago, these were demons from the darkest pits of hell where not even mundus had gone before. These demons were far more dangerous than mundus had ever hoped to be.

Violet sighed as she stared at yet another shoddily built castle. Castles seemed to be the houses of choice anymore, they held large groups of humans, and had big barricaded walls and anti-demon sigils, which prevented demons from entering; the sigils purified the demons if they had even come close to entering the castles. The sigils were the ones Kat had begun distributing to the humans, the interesting fact was that not even Kat was human anymore. She was now a full-fledged witch, wiccan couldn't even begin to compare to what she was now. What annoyed her most was the burning sensation she got whenever she entered one of their castles, Kat had made sure that the sigils only stayed within their large castle city, if the sigils got out there would be trouble. If anyone that lived elsewhere got a hold of those sigils then they could use them against Dante, Vergil, Nero, and herself; they may not be demons but the fact that the demon blood pulsates within their veins was enough for some humans to begin to attempt to use them against their saviors, which ended with Kat destroying the sigils on many of the castles.

Violet adjusted her headphones as she waited on Vergil to return, he had gone after a demon a few minutes ago and they were going to return to Dante's place together. She closed her eyes and smiled slightly, the amazing thing about being married to a nephilim, the blood pact you make allows you to hear your lover's heartbeat. His heartbeat was rapid and excited, Kat and Dante had kept him under watch for a while and this was getting him in the groove of being a devil hunter instead of a demon king. The thing was, the moment she had got him to return to normal; the demons he had ruled over had begun dying off because of the stronger demons, the ones not even mundus could control; the ones that Vergil had never seen, not even during his first trip to the afterlife.

Her eyes went wide as his heart beat skipped and then began to slow her voice nearly caught in her throat as she screamed. "Vergil!" she screamed and angel boosted onto a ledge and threw herself over the nearest castle and she hit the ground running. She skid to a stop and fisted her hands at her sides as she looked around. "Vergil! Vergil where are you!?" she called but received no answer. Thunder rumbled loudly overhead, the deafening sound echoed around her; drowning out her desperate calls for her husband.

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