The Blue Rose

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Violet didn't like to travel too far from her family and friends at the order. She worried that one day she would come home and the stench of human blood would permeate the halls and the only color she would see would be red. Red everywhere and bodies decaying on the floor, just like when Vergil had walked her home that day. She was so scared that she would see them all dead. That she would be the last one and then they would dangle the dead rotting corpse of Vergil in front of her. Her fears weren't just nightmares. There was a possibility things like that could actually happen again, seeing as though they were a not-so secret organization plotting to kill a demon king who does whatever he has to, just to keep his throne.

Violet sighed and started her beautiful white tranzam with a golden bird on the hood. Vergil said be inconspicuous with the cars but what's the point of having a nice car if you aren't going to flaunt it. Violet grasped the steering wheel tightly. She should listen to him more, if not for her safety but for his. She cared for him more than he knew, but he was always trying to make her feel useless and insignificant, even if he really wasn't trying to truly make her feel that way.

She slid her sunglasses on and revved the engine as she sped from the garage. She could see Vergil shaking his head now, still disapproving of her favorite car. She raised an eyebrow; he drove a 1967 Chevrolet impala, yet another nice car, but didn't want her to flaunt her firebird. She sighed as she pulled over into the parking lot of the travel directory.

She slide from her car and smirked at the amazed looks people gave her. "I love your car." One guy said, getting really close to her and Violet smiled at him, although the close proximity disgusted her. "Thanks, it was a gift from my boyfriend." She said and the man added distance between them, his guy friends doing the same, but she had a feeling that wouldn't last long. She knew that if she told them that her boyfriend gave it to her, then they would back off for fear of a really expensive lawsuit, but these guys didn't look like they wanted to stay far for long. That was the only thing keeping people away from her. She didn't hate people, she just hated that they always tried to touch what they can't have, and she and her car were definitely off limits.

She walked in and pulled a brochure from the rack and flipped through it. There was a museum two Towns over and they prided themselves on an intricately designed katana they called the blue rose. Its real purpose was not to be a decoration. It was an angel blade that had a similar effect of purification. One cut on smaller demons and kablooey, demon soup all over the place. She shuddered in disgust. It also had the overdrive ability and the ability to summon judgment. That's what interested her the most, why would Vergil send her to get this blade? He knew she was human, so why?

She sighed and read further into the pamphlet. Blue rose was rumored to be held within the conjoined grasp of a statue of Sparda and Eva. When she found a brochure with a picture she was mesmerized, it was beautiful. She grasped the brochure tightly and strode out and slid into her car then sped off. She bit her lip and sighed, the goodbye she'd given him hadn't been the best, but she hoped she'd fixed it.


" Violet, there is a sword I want to get you so you won't have to use whatever you grab as a weapon anymore, but I can't get it I need you to go." He said and she scoffed audibly. "Aww, are you beginning to care?" She interrupted him and turned to gather her things. She knew this would anger him, it always did. That's why she did it, to try and get a reaction from him but usually he would just sit and simmer in his anger. Apparently this time was different.

He grabbed her wrist tightly and yanked her back to face him. "You have got to be kidding me! I've always cared! We've been together so long now I figured you would see that I care for you. I care for Kat and Dante too. Everyone here is my family and I care for them." He growled and she snorted. "That's why before I accepted your offer you treated everyone like shit! That's why you always seem so freaking cold! That's why you ignore me! Yeah you care all right. About yourself and that's it." She snapped and yanked her wrist from his grasp. He frowned and his anger began to dissipate as he realized the truth behind what she was saying. He really had been like that...

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