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Violet frowned as she tried to get closer to her boyfriend. She had understood that he didn't like to display public intimacy, but they weren't in public they were in their home...She cut her eyes to Dante and Kat, who under the serious stare of Vergil, still managed to sneak a kiss or two. Vergil and violet made it official three Weeks ago when they made the trade, since then he's been more protective of her and she liked that, it showed her that he really cared, and wasn't just using her.

"Violet are you even listening?" Dante asked with a humored look in his eyes. "Oh yes, plenty." She said and reached for Vergil's hand, which he accepted and entwined his fingers with hers. "Yeah, well you look kinda distracted." Dante said. "And what distraction could I have? You're the one sneaking kisses every time Vergil looks away." She said defiantly, and Vergil sent him a glare. Dante still managed a smirk, even under the exhausted and irate glare of his brother.

"Yeah, well at least Kat and I haven't been keeping y'all up at night, I'm happy for you and all, but y'all need to learn to keep it down. You spent nearly fourteen years together and all, so I understand the tension y'all must've had, but keep it down, some of us are actually trying to sleep." Dante said and violet blushed and her mouth hung open. Kat looked surprised as well, but more for the fact Vergil laughed.

"Well it's obvious I know how to please a woman, then, isn't it?" Vergil said and Violet punched him on the arm and blushed deeper. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Both of you just shut up!" Violet squealed, embarrassed. Her face was deep red and her glare was focused on Vergil now, why did he have to open his mouth? He never talked about those types of things so openly before so why now?

Vergil chuckled but stopped yakking about the previous topic. Dante didn't look like he was done yet. He opened his mouth and violet set her right arm on the table. "Say one more thing about that and I will rip the soul from your body and leave it in limbo." She hissed, but the blush still colored her face. He smirked and raised a brow, obviously he wasn't going to take her seriously.

"Well I would take you seriously... but the whole red faced thing isn't helping you." He said and stretched. Vergil saved her from more embarrassment by bringing the seriousness back into the conversation. "We are going after mundus in two days. You need to get yourselves ready." Vergil said and stood. Violet didn't let go of his hand, instead she stood and followed him once he had stood up. He went outside and returned to her and trapped her against the side of the building with his arms. She looked up at him with curious eyes.

"You can't come." He said and Violet replied with a very calm, "I am." "You can't! What do you think I would do if I lost you? We've been by each other's side for so would drive me mad." He growled and punched the wall by her head. She didn't even flinch, but her eyes met his and he began to calm down. She placed her hands on his shoulders and ran them up along his neck to rest on his cheeks. She smiled softly and stared him right in the eyes.

"Why else would I go? I don't want to lose you either. I am going." She said and he frowned. "Please...for me, stay here with Kat. Keep her safe. I will return to you." He said and she frowned and searched his eyes for any lingering doubt. She ran her thumbs over his cheekbones and nodded. "Alright...but if you're-" she started but Kat and Dante interrupted them.

"She has to go Vergil." Dante said and Vergil looked at him, anger evident in his eyes. "Why?" He asked. "She is nephilim, slightly diluted and a lot more angel than demon, but she is still some sort of nephilim. Her route gets her to the generator room first, but not long after, you two will be there too, she can try and block your presence so the sensors won't pick you up, or slow down time so you two can get in before the sensors pick you up." Kat said and Dante nodded in victorious agreement.

"How will she do that?" Vergil asked irritated then he looked around, everything was moving so slow. He moved his arm and he could see the trail from where his arm had moved. "That's freaky...but interesting..." Vergil murmured then felt as if a weight had been lifted when Violet began shaking kinks out of her right arm. Kat and violet went back inside and Vergil and Dante began to follow. Vergil tossed an arm over Dante's shoulder. "You're an ass, Dante." Vergil said. Dante smirked. "Thank you! I really try." Dante said and Vergil shoved him into the wall with a smirk. "Obviously."

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