Strength of Heart pt3

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Violet watched as Vergil and Kat argued with a smirk. This was too good, if only the real Kat had guts enough to actually hit him. This Kat had smacked him about four times already and she could see that Vergil was getting pissed. His eyes began to flicker from blue to black and that's about when she frowned. She grit her teeth and closed her eyes, was he giving up? She had so much hope for him and for him to give up already? He was going to let her down in the end...she knew it.

"Vergil, if you kill her, it's over." Violet whispered to herself and Vergil looked at her, half his face was bone white with black inky veins. One eye was black while the other was blue. They inky black eye burned with hatred. The blue one was just angry and struggling. Violet waved her hand behind her and a blue human sized orb shot beside her. Vergil watched in confusion he hadn't really realized what exactly what the orb was...

Amaterasu was withdrawn and sliced right through the orb. Vergil yelled out as his body hit the ground. "What the hell?" he yelled angrily and Kat stepped away from him. "Do you give up? Because I can cure that for you." Violet said and put the tip of her blade under his body's chin. Vergil looked at her. He knew she was serious, but the cracking in her voice and the glistening of tears in her eyes said she really did not want to do so. He sighed and took a deep breath and turned back to Kat.

"You aren't going to sway me Vergil!" Kat snapped and he nodded. "I understand. I know I betrayed you. I know I used you. I know you hate me. I also know I can never be forgiven for what I have done. All I to be able to go home and live. Just live. Have fun with my family and be a good father for my son." Vergil said and Kat laughed. He looked at her with anger in his eyes, how dare she laugh at him!

"You're so full of crap Vergil." Kat scoffed and crossed her arms. "You're so selfish! You don't care for Nero. You didn't know he existed until you had that bald fool drug me up with chloroform and take him. Even then you were going to kill him the moment you saw Dante. You don't love him. And you don't love Violet! You used her! Left her pregnant and alone! You don't care and you never did." Kat spat angrily at him, jabbing a finger into his chest with every angered word she spoke. His anger was getting riled up with every poke he received to the chest.

Vergil clenched his fists and glared at Kat. She flinched as he reached for her. He set his hand on her shoulder and she looked at him surprised, she had expected him to hit her. "I know I've screwed up, it's no secret. I know every last one of you thinks I don't care and that I'm heartless. I'm truly not; I just get carried away and try to get the job done. I...I just don't consider anyone else's feelings and it drives everyone away." Vergil said, trying to reason with Kat.

She glared at him then looked down and sighed. The sincerity in his eyes was killing her. "You accept my hatred, but you don't accept your own. Accept your own hatred and everything will get better. That won't be as hard as dealing with Violet's pain, anger, betrayal, and hatred. Be prepared when you face her, or you will never go home again." Kat said and shook his hand. Her image became clearer, and she looked like the real Kat. Then she began to shimmer out of existence with a soft smile.

He noticed that his surroundings had a more pleasant feeling to them than they had before. He was curious as to what exactly was causing the change, but at the same time...he couldn't care...the foreboding feeling that came from the beautiful angel beside him was driving him nuts. She felt so dark and it bothered him...

Vergil sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He watched as Violet reformed the sphere around his body. She waved a hand up and his body and the sphere vanished. He had a feeling that the trust between the two of them was frayed. He couldn't trust her and he knew she couldn't trust him, he had developed quite the temper and so had she.

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