12 - Scott the King of Rivendell

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Scott's palace rose to the skies, he had mastered the arts of ice magic, and had long stopped dwelling on the past.

He waited in his bedroom, lying flat in the bed sheets. His palms chilled the air around him, but he wasn't cold, he got used to the frozen winds and powdered snow.

"Why...." He droned, sitting upwards. "Why haven't they left!"

On the wall across from his bed, scribbled pictures of the Empires members, Lizzie had a cross over her face, Sausage and Gem had question marks. The rest of them were blank.

Scott then got out of bed, he went out to stand by the balcony and then sprung off the edge.

His wings sprung to life, he pushed against the wind and flew upwards, he caught himself in a glide and carried the breeze towards empires.

Scott smiled - he hadn't been back to mainland empires since leaving and it felt great. The land was frozen stiff, just like home - his ice spike home.

Rivendell was a clumped mess of ice spikes,  every building lay in tatters with the Rivendell colours mottled and dark. Scott pouted, as little as he cared about Rivendell, it still filled him with sadness to see it ruined.

The Elven King walked to the cliffside secret room, he entered the room and coiled down the stairs...

To see the Xornoth Crystal absent.

"Looking for something?" A familiar voice called, Scott then heard a drawn bowstring pulling.

Scott slowly waddled around with his hands up.

"Joel?" He laughed, his eyes widening. "How long has it been!" Joel smiled, tensing his grip.

"Too long," He smirked. "Shame it's the last time..." He pulled the bow further.

Joel had been hiding on his throne, which was now laced with ice between the antlers.

Joel released the string, the arrow soared through the air, directly hitting Scott in the chest.

Scott didn't flinch, he didn't scream, and he didn't bleed. He held his fist out and slowly, a sleuth of ice crept up Joel's leg. 

"Scott?" Joel hyperventilated, suddenly loosing his edge. "Scott what are you doing?" Scott started laughing, tears rolling down his eyes. 

"I'm just returning the favour..." Scott glanced down at the arrow piercing his chest, he grabbed the quiver and yanked it out. "Ow," He smiled, freezing the hole in his chest with a gentle touch.

Joel went to fire another arrow, but his shoulder froze rigid halfway through the motion.

"Scott?" He breathed. "Aren't you gonna kill me?" Scott shook his head.

"I might need you later," Scott came round the table to meet Joel, he brought his face close. "You can... chill out here..." Joel yelled a calling scream, then froze still with his mouth permanently open. Scott breathed a warm breathe, the icy surface of Joel's prison misted, hiding his agonized eye. "Short..." He muttered.

The elven king walked back to the pedestal where Xornoth's crystal lay. 

He picked it up in his clammy hands. "Hello brother..." He smirked. "How have you been..." 

Scott caressed the crystal as he took it outside, he closed the secret door, locking Joel in his icy catacomb.

Scott stood in his village, he glanced at the Xornoth Crystal. Like an enderman to an endermite, the sound of Xornoth's beckoning voice filled him with the irresistible urge to-

He smashed it against the earth, stomping the shards with force.


Then BOOM, the earth itself ruptured,  clouds of crimson fog shot up into the sky, swells of choking magic swayed around Scott, winding through his clothing and the fiber of his being. Scott stared up, a plume of red crackled and wailed with the spirit of a vengeful force. Rivendell crumbled to pieces, the chunks of building joined the vortex that was Xornoth, who kept flashing in Scotts eyes.

Tentacles crushed the Mountain town, one catapulted the Church of Aeor at Scott, but another guarded him by forming a wall.

The ground started festering red, a gruesome flurry of red mushroom sprawled Rivendell like rain. Everything slowly darkened, except for the towering stag statue, which eyes glowed blue. 

The cloud dissipated, the air felt full, a warm musk hung in the air.

Scott then saw 2 people standing staring at Scott, he knew who one of them was, he expected that, but the other rattled him to the core - Mythical Sausage.

On this server, news can spread like wildfire, it came as far as Scotts Frozen Empire, the winds sang of Sausages disappearance, he heard them in the night. Sausage was dressed in rags, his red over coat bore patches woven from wiry string. His hair had grown to curly tufts and his face was scratched and bruised.

Then there was his brother - Xornoth

Reptilian skin, slits for eyes, a large purple grin spanning his jaw. He had two large horns that pierced the air, his hunched posture grew as he spotted Scott stalking him.

"Family reunion..." 

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