25 - Copper Queen

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FWhip stood, he dropped the pile of sticks he cradled in shock. A Statue sat in the mud, with two outstretched arms. FWhip considered hugging it, it was a direct parallel to Gem, a smile that sent warmth down his spine on her face. She was wet, water ran down her face.

"Wow..." FWhip crept closer, the statue's velvet clothes swayed in the breeze. "What are these eyes made of?" He reached over to the glassy white eyes. 

The Statue sprung to life, wrapping him in a bear hug. FWhip yelped, his arms and legs flailing. FWhip banged his leg on hers, he winced and then melted. 

The Statue dropped him, she cursed. 

"I killed him..." She muttered, her breathing staggered. FWhip took his chance to bound up and run, but his now gammy legs took him only a couple blocks, he landed in the mud with a mighty slosh. "Oh thank goodness..." She sighed.

FWhip turned around, he retrieved his sword and cut across her face. The sword bent, creating a mould of Gems Physical features. She snorted.

"Wow..." She laughed. "Thank you Joey..." FWhip lost control of the blade, it pulled away from him, it sank into her skin, a streak of netherite down her face.

"Joey?" FWhip choked. "Netherite face?" Gem rolled her eyes. "Murderer!" A crack appeared in her copper shell. 

"Take that back!" She yelled. 

"No!" FWhip stropped. "I'll stop when she comes back!"

"Really," Gem spat. "You choose now to be petty, when the whole world is about to collapse." 

"Petty is an understatement..." FWhip gaped. "I'm being chill, if anything, I'm just a chill guy hanging out with my murderer sister!" More cracks rippled in her façade. 

"Stop using that word!" Gem barked, her tone sad.

"Murderer! Murderer! Murder- Joey?"

Joey stood in the distance, the dim light of a fire back-lighting him. His shadow was long.

"Holy..." He mumbled the next word. "Gem?" Gem grinned. 

"Joey you genius!" She ran over. Joey kicked her in the face, she went toppling down while Joey clasped onto his throbbing foot.

"What happened?" Joey asked, putting his foot down. 

"You!" She marvelled, unphased by the lump on her face. "Your ingot!" Joey frowned.

"I'm so sorry..." He squeaked. 

"Don't be!" Gem snapped. "Because of you, I'm practically invulnerable to every form of attack!" She beamed.

"But look?!" FWhip chimed in, he pointed to her feet. Where the puddles had splashed onto her legs, the blueish tint of rust spread like a rash. "You're rusting?" Gem laughed. 

"Oh please!" She flexed. "A little water has never had anything on me, copper or not..." Joey shook his head.

"I need to fix this, this isn't some blessing, its a curse."

"Blessing or not, you created me..." Gem sneered. "If I die because of this, you're to blame." Joey turned white, all colour washed from his body.

"Oh..." He stuttered. 

"Well anyways..." Gem began. "I'd best be off, headin' to the mines." FWhip chuckled.

"Seriously?" FWhip jeered. "You go mining at a time like-" Gem gave FWhip a steely look. "This..."

Gem had changed, she was different, hostility drove her, but it wasn't her fault. She was just unlucky.

"Gem, you can't do this..." Joey spoke. "Be all alone as the world ends." Gem slunked in her posture.

"Okay..." She said, Joey walked closer towards her. "I'll take you with me." Gem whipped around, she grabbed onto him, then ran, FWhip tried to go after him, but he was too slow.

"Meet us at spawn when the hands are close enough together!" FWhip yelped.

"MEET ME NOW!" Joey squealed as he disappeared into the horizon

FWhip was left in sorrow silence. He was scared, he and Gem were enemies, he knew how she felt when he appeared to her, driven by Xornoth.

There was only one way to stop this, all of this. They had only one choice.

They had to restart the server.

Authors note, the next chapter might be the last, otherwise, it's the second last

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