Forgive me?

539 29 4

I stared into the face of my old friend. I didn't know how to react. Should I kiss him, punch him, or just walk away? I had no idea, I even thought of trying all of them.

Sherlock sighed, he was looking down at me. I couldn't read his expression, but I knew he could read mine. "Oh my god..." I said, my voice trembling slightly. "Y-you're..." I stopped half way, speachless. Sherlock looked down at his feet. "I'm so sorry John.." Two years, two fucking years and all he had to say was 'sorry'?!

I glared at him. "You're 'sorry'? It's been two bloody years, Sherlock. I think it's going to take more than a 'sorry'. I growled.

He looked up quickly, startled by my tone of voice. "John, I know it will take more. And I promise I'll make it up to you... Just...for now, forgive me?" He looked me straight in the eyes. I hesitated, planning out my words carefully. "You....Sherlock, I care about you, a lot. But leaving me for two bloody years is unacceptable!" I said this loudly, hopefully not startling anyone.

Tears welled in his eyes. Wait....Tears? Since when did Sherlock 'feel'?
He took in a deep breath before responding. "I know John, but I did it for you're safety." He looked down before continuing. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you would've died..." My jaw dropped. "Yet it's acceptable to leave me?! Sherlock, I had to live without you for two years! I couldn't live with myself!" He looked back up. "But you're still living, without me." I sighed. "well, yes, I was alive. But it doesn't mean I was living. I was an empty shell, Sherlock! You completely messes me up!" The tears were now falling from Sherlocks eyes. "John, please.." His voice trembled as he said this. I sighed and stared at him, tears of my own falling. "Dammit, Sherlock" I said through my sigh.

He looked at me, hope shining in his watery eyes. I started to walk off. His face dropped. "Where are you going?" Sherlock asked, his voice laced with different emotions that I couldn't quite make out. "Home." I stated, simply. "Mind coming along?" With those words Sherlock quickly followed me. God was it good to have him back.

Forgive me? [A johnlock romance]Where stories live. Discover now