Broken cups and kisses

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Sherlock stared into my eyes and smiled. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, his whole face would just light up.
"I'm so glad." He said, the smile growing wider. I smiled as well, my smile soon faded, though, when I heard a glass shatter.
I quickly turned around to see miss Hudson standing there, her cup of tea now on the floor. "Oh! Uh...m-miss Hudson" I said, scratching the back of my neck. "S-Sherlock..." She said, her eyes wide.

Sherlock quickly stood after hearing his name. "Yes.." He said, not sure how to reply. I looked between Sherlock and Hudson, speaking up. "Oh..Uh..Y-yes. Miss Hudson." I straightened up and fixed my jumper. "Sherlock, as you can see, is alive." I contined, a smile growing on my face as I stared at his perfect face.

Miss Hudson gasped, probably noticing the love in my eyes. "Y-you two are..." She stopped mid-sentence. Sherlock nodded, knowing how to respond to this. "Yes, Miss Hudson, we are." His smile grew as he looked down at me. Then, I heard the loudest squeal I believe I have ever heard. I quickly looked back at Miss Hudson, her eyes widen and her mouth open. "I knew it!" She said as she jumped up and down.

I laughed, as did sherlock. "Calm down, Miss Hudson, you'll startle the others." Immediately she stopped jumping and nodded quickly, most likely to herself. "Oh, oh right.. I-I'll be off then." She spun around and closed the door behind her.
Even then could I hear her giggling and chants of "I knew it!" I shook my head and laughed. "Well she did." Sherlock said, looking into my eyes. I melted, like I said before, that's what his stare did to me. I replied with a quick 'mhm' before lifting myself on my toes and kissing him.
Surprised, Sherlock kiss back, wrapping his arms around my waist and bending to make if easier for me. I smiled against his lips, my arms making it up and draping across his shoulders. He stumbled a bit, and accidentally fell on the couch. I blushed, furiously, and separated my lips from his.

Sherlock seemed a bit disappointed but I ignored the look. "I love you, Sherlock." I said as I stood up. The look quickly left his face and he smiled. "I love you too, my dear blogger." He wrapped his arms around me, and that's how we stayed for quite some time, holding each other and smiling.

[Hi! Um...Im the author -awkward laugh- What do you think of my story? I know it's not the best, but I like it x3 -SexyMindPalace]

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