Case Solved

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To past the time, John and I decided to just sit around. Well, I say 'Sit Around', but really I was pinning him to the couch and kissing him. "I....Love you...John" I said, in between kisses. John groaned, which I loved, and replied. "I love you too...Sherlock" As he said this he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. This time, thankfully, no one interrupting us. My hands trailed under Johns shirt, traveling up, then down. John groaned again. I smirked and continued doing this. As I did this he was playing with my hair, he knew I loved that.

Just before we got any further- A buzz was heard. I sighed in anger, realising it was my phone. "Damn.." I heard John say under his breath. I nodded. "Are they trying to interrupt us?" I said, mostly to myself. I pushed myself off of John and checked my phone. We are ready, brother dear. Don't keep us waiting. -MH.

I looked over at John, smirking a bit as I noticed his hair ruffled, and his shirt partially up. He blushed and bit his lip, pulling his shirt down. "Who was it?" He said, looking away. I sighed and stood up. "Mycroft. He's ready, their probably outside right now." John nodded and stood up, trying to fix his hair. "Ah no need to do that, love. You look nice like that." I said, with a wink. John blushed again and nodded, pulling down his shirt and grabbing his coat. I grabbed my coat as well and left.

As I had said earlier, Mycroft was waiting outside in his fancy car of his. "Took you long enough." Mycroft said. I just scoffed and got inside the car, of course, after letting John in. I must be a gentlemen, even if around my brother. When inside a noticed Greg and Mycroft holding hands. It was quite adorable, but I'd never say that aloud. "How are you two?" John had said, trying to break the awkward silence caused by my brother and I. Gary was the one to answer this. "Oh! Very good." He said quickly, giving a kiss to my brothers cheek. Mycroft blushed. He blushed. You may wonder why I see that as such a surprise. Well, first, he's Mycroft. Second, he's Mycroft. And third, who knew he could feel? John smiled at the couple. I could tell he wanted to do the same to me, and possibly more. At the moment all we could do was hold hands, which I was okay with. I grabbed Johns hand, the feeling of electricity shooting up my arm. John smiled when I grabbed his hand. God I loved his smiles. His whole face would just lite up, it was adorable. He was adorable.

Soon the car reached it's destination. We quickly got out and walked into the place we were eating. It seemed like a very high up place. I was surprised my brother would take us to a place like this. "Wow." John said, his eyes sparking. I sighed, staring at my loves face. John had noticed by now and was staring back into my eyes. It took everything I had to not kiss him right there. I knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop. I tapped my fingers against my leg and turned away, walking into the building. John pouted, but followed me anyway.


"So." My brother started. "How is the case going?" "It's okay, it was simple though." I responded. "Oh?" Lestrade had said. "Yes. It was the mans girlfriend." John stared at me. "How did you find that out?" I chuckled, it must be so boring in their small, empty minds. Not that John was stupid, He is a very smart man. "The marks on his neck, female nails. A bit of her finger paint scrubbed off onto his neck. Her finger nails are painted blue, yes?" I said, looking at Greg. He nodded slowly. "Ah, good. Well, on his neck was some makeup. Foundation, blush, and lipstick. Obviously rubbing off from the woman onto him. He hadn't taken the time to clean it off. There was also traces of the girlfriends hair. He must've been pulling at her hair, trying to get her off." I finished with that, the waiter placing our plates in front of us.

They were all still staring at me. It was quite amusing. "What?" I began. "Its not the first time you've seen me do it." I bit my lip, a bit flattered. "Yes, but it's been two years." John said, giving my cheek a quick kiss. I smiled and began eating.


"Well, brother dear, I guess we'll see you later?" I nodded, grabbing Johns hand and walking inside.
Once inside, I kissed John. It wasn't like the kiss we had earlier.

This one was soft and gentle. We were both tired and just wanting a sweet kiss. But of course, all good things have to come to an end. John broke the kiss and yawned. I chuckled and picked him up, this causing him to blush. "H-hey!" I laughed and placed him down on my bed.
I turned away and changed into my sleeping clothes. Well, more of a pair of sweats. John blushed when I turned back around, probably because I had no shirt on. I winked and later next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and we both quickly fell asleep.

But all good things must come to an end.

[Hey! How are you guys liking the story? Yes, I'm planning on drama. As much as I hate it, it wouldn't be a good book without it. -apologetic smile- expect you're heart to be torn out and stomped on.]

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