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"John." Sherlock croaked out, lightly shaking the man sleeping peacefully next to him.

"Wake up."
"Mm... no... Good dream... no..."

John opened one of his eyes, surprised to see Sherlocks face right next to him.
"AWAH!" He shouted, jumping up and falling off the bed."
John could here Sherlock chuckle, and could practically feel him shaking his head.
"Are you awake now?"
"Hmm..... Maybe."
"Could I convince you to be?"
"You can try."
"Very well."

John heard the bed creak and a weight landing on him.
"Wake up."
John shifted slightly and wrapped his arms around the fragile mans body.
"Nah... I like this."
Sherlock groaned and rolled his eyes, also trying to roll off of John.
Sherlock rolled his eyes again and kisses John quickly, making him let go and letting Sherlock escape.

Sherlock chuckled and walked away, his clothes hung loosely on his small body, which made John frown.
Those clothes had fit perfectly when he left.

"JAWN." He heard Sherlock yell from the kitchen.
"What?" He shouted back, walking out of their room.
"Come here."
"Why?-" He was soon answered by a blushing, stuttering Sherlock pulls the same box out from six months earlier.
"Sherlock you-"
"John." He said sternly, sending a shiver down his spine.
".....Sherlock..." John gulped, looking at the box then Sherlock.
"The offer still stand.... Will... Will you marry me, John Watson?"

Millions of thoughts were going through Johns head.
Should he?
Was it too soon?
Was this the right choice?

John stared at Sherlock, searching through the possibilities and answering each and every question running through his head.


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