Forgiving Sherlock

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For the past two days Sherlock had acted distant. Not doing anything with John.
Not a kiss, compliment, he hasn't when slept in the same room and John.
All of this had started getting to Johns head.
Had John done something wrong?
Was Sherlock suddenly not interested in John anymore?
Had Sherlock gotten..... Bored of John?

John tried shaking the ideas out of his brain, not wanting to imagine the possibility of Sherlock being bored of John. He just couldn't take anything like that.

"Sherlock." John called, making some tea. "Get out of your room and spend some time with me."
John heard some grunting from Sherlocks room before the door creaked open, Sherlock hesitantly walking out.

"There's my love!" John exclaimed, placing a quick kiss on Sherlocks lips and placing down some tea in front of the taller man.
Sherlock made an interesting face, sitting down and slowly sipping his tea.
Johns mood faltered and the small smile had left his lips.

What was going on in that mind of his?

"Sherlock," John started. "what's wrong?"
"Nothing of your-"
Sherlock quickly looked up, his eyes filled with something as if he all- the- sudden understood what John felt.
"John, I'm so sorry!" He gasped, jumping out of his chair and walking over to John.

John frowned slightly as he took a step back, but not realising he did so.
Sherlock continued walking foward, eventually trapping John in-between the edges of the counters.
Sherlock leaned down slightly, looking into Johns eyes.
"Forgive me?"
With that he placed his lips on Johns, who quickly started kissing back, missing the feeling of Sherlocks lips on his own.

After a few seconds John found himself sitting on the counter and pressed against the wall, Sherlock kissing his as passionately as ever. In the kiss John could feel that Sherlock wanted something, no, needed something, something that John could hopefully give.

Their lips parted for seconds, both men were panting and whispering each-others names every-once and a while.

"Oh, god, John I'm so sorry. I... Was focused on something far less important than you."

John wrapped his arms around Sherlocks neck, craving Sherlock after those words.

"I forgive you, now shut up and kiss me."

Sherlock smirked but followed Johns orders, but not after saying, "Yes, Captain."

Fire grew in Johns chest as he pulled Sherlock into him, kissing him passionately.

SOMETIME LATER-shrugs and walks away-

"God, Sherlock, I missed you." John breathed, turning his head to look at his lover.
"I could say the same."
"What were you doing the past few days?"
Sherlock hesitated before speaking.
"I was.... studying something, and experimenting for results."
John nodded slowly and looked away, feeling something was missing from the things he was doing.

At least he had Sherlock back.

[so, this is a bit of a longer chapter.
You don't have to read these author notes, their just somewhere where I could get my feelings out.
Today.... I was finally confronted for my eating habits.
I tend to.... not eat.
No, I don't 'starve' myself. Well, that's one way of seeing it.
I simply don't eat very often.
I am a very picky person, and when I mean picky, I mean it would be easier for me to say my favourite foods than list the ones I don't like.
What in saying is, I don't have much I would eat, and it's starting to affect my life.
My parents are assuming that I'm not eating because I'm ashamed of myself because I'm 'bigger'. That's not the case. I am just simply tired of the harassment and I'm tired of trying to find anything.
I'm also never hungry.
I basically only like junk food.
I love fruits and veggies, don't get me wrong, but my parents never by me any. They always buy the things they know they'll eat, but yet they always complain for my eating habits.
Look, I'm sorry for complain, and possibly ruining the chapter, I just need to get everything out.
You guys have no idea what you do to me. I love writing, and I love your feedback. I love getting comments and votes on my stories. I am always looking forward to my time to write. it's basically what gets me through the day. I really love you all. Well, anyway, not to bore you any longer with my problems, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.]

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