Did you miss me?

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Gabby returns to Chicago for a while and wants to get back together with her ex-husband. The problem is that Matt isn't available.


Matt woke up a few minutes before their alarm. He yawned softly before tilting his head up to look at Kelly. He carefully moved onto his one elbow, careful not to wake Kelly so he could get a better look at his boyfriend.

They've been dating for a year now. It started with angry/jealous sex and apparently years of pent-up sexual tension. The two had had crushes on each other ever since they met at the Academy, but neither acted on it. The timeline of their crush has also never lined up. It seems they only realize how much they yearn for the other person when said person is unavailable.

What kicked start them finally getting their heads out of their asses was when they were out at a bar—not Molly's—together, and Matt watched Kelly casually flirt with girls. They were both single, and Kelly told Matt that he needed to blow off steam tonight, so a night out like they were back in the Academy together was Kelly's great idea. Matt only agreed because he had nothing better to do, and Kelly would've dragged him out either way. However, Matt was getting more worked up than he already was.

Matt gripped his beer tightly in his hands as he watched Kelly from across the bar. He kept his face neutral the best he could, but it was hard. Watching his long-term crush, which just so happens to be his best friend, hit on other people while he was drunk and not thinking straight was not fun.

He had slammed his second beer on the table before getting up and walking to the bathrooms in hopes to knock some clarity, logic, sense, anything into him. Anything that will finally tell his brain and heart to get over this crush for Kelly Severide and eventually move on. All his other relationships failed because although he loved them with every bit of his heart, Kelly was still always there holding a small piece of it, making Matt unable to give it to the other person entirely. It seems as the years went on, that piece that Kelly held got bigger and bigger.

What Matt failed to notice was Kelly constantly watching him. Kelly positioned himself to look at the beautiful ginger in front of him but could see Matt clearly from the corner of his eye. He always did this when he and Matt were out together, and he was occupied with someone else. Whether that be someone he is flirting with or an office from CFD. He always kept an eye on Matt. His eyes never wanted to look at anything else when Matt was around, and he cursed his heart, brain and eyes for not giving Matt up.

He flirted with other people. Yes. He was single and had the right to. However, his heart was not unattached, not entirely anyway, but he believes that said person would never fully claim it. So he flirted around but kept an eye out for Matt for any signs, anything at all that would make him drop the conversation and take Matt home.

That night, he thought he saw a sign. He saw how Matt never took his gaze off of him. He saw the way he gripped the beer bottle tightly. He thought maybe it was jealousy that flicked through his eyes, but he wasn't sure. When he saw Matt get up and walk to the bathroom, he knew he needed to check upon him. If it wasn't jealousy, then something was going on with him, and as his best friend, he needed to make sure he was okay.

Neither were prepared for what happened in the bathroom. The second Kelly walked into the bathroom; he found Matt splashing water on his face and looking stressed. Kelly called his name to make sure he was okay and watched as Matt struggled with the words. Matt was drunk enough to have the courage finally and sober enough to remember this.

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