For Sh*ts and Giggles

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The CFD wanted to look more inclusive. They were losing the public's trust as first responders after an edited video made them seem homophobic.

Queer baiting may not be their proudest moment, but they asked and accepted.

Tumblr prompt (@dumplingsjinson): "What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?" "... Let's be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public."


"Did we really just agree to that?" Casey asked as he and Severide were standing in Chief Boden's office, staring at the door the two Chiefs left from.

"I think we did," Severide said, looking at the door bewilderedly.

"This is still a firehouse; it is still a workplace, so I don't want to see more of you two than I need to, got it?" Boden said, causing the two officers to turn around and nod at their Chief. He nodded, and they took that as their sign to leave.

They walked out silently and went directly to Severide's quarters without saying a word. Severide sat on his chair, and Casey pulled the blinds down and slumped on Severide's bunk.

"So..." Severide started glancing at the blond, who seemed a million miles away.

"So..." Casey echoed, looking up at Severide nervously.

"So..." Severide repeated, causing the blond to huff and roll his eyes.

"We need a backstory; those guys will be badgering us about it," Casey said, jerking his head to the bunk room.

"Well, we don't need to change much," Severide said with a shrug, and Casey raised a questioning eyebrow. "Come on, Case; you must have heard the rumours about the two of us at the academy."

Casey looked down at his lap and shifted on Severide's bunk.

"Didn't know you heard it as well," Casey mumbled weakly and cringed at his tone. Kelly rolled his eyes and pulled his chair, so he was closer to Casey.

"We can just say we started at the Academy but kept it a secret since we didn't want to hurt our chances for getting a good placement. Then we broke up because we were on different shifts on opposite ends of the city, and it was too hard," Kelly started with a story.

"Got back together a few months after we were both placed at 51 but kept it a secret because of the rules," Matt continued with a slight frown on his face as he made sure the time they were talking about, they were single.

"Andy's death broke us apart; Hallie happened for you; Royce happened for me," Kelly said, tensing up a bit. Talking about Andy will always be hard for him.

"Shay's death brought us back together," Matt suggested quietly, and Kelly stiffly nodded. The blond reached over and squeezed Kelly's knee for support without thinking.

"Been together since," Kelly said, and Matt nodded. "Wait, what about Gabby?"

"What about her?" Matt asked with a frown.

"You two had a fling for a period," Kelly elaborated.

"It was before Shay's death, plus I didn't say anything that might contradict our story. Plus, she's with Mills still," Matt said with a shrug. "I haven't had a relationship since or even any flings."

Kelly's eyebrows shot up at the realization. Sure, he hasn't had any relationships since Royce, but he has a reputation, and all his flings are kept quiet and out of the firehouse gossip.

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