Paid For The Past

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An AU where Matt's parents live.

Kelly and Matt finally decide to stop dancing around each other, and Kelly learns some stuff about the blond man that makes total sense in the whole thing.

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Matthew Casey and Kelly Severide have been dancing around each other since they met in the locker room at the fire academy. Kelly—who Andy Darden shoved—hit an open locker door and, with the force of his movement, sent the person on the other end into the locker. At the time, Matt was small enough that he fit perfectly fine in the locker and didn't get hurt, but he had to deal with the laughs and jokes for about two months. Kelly and Andy felt horrible and kept apologizing and trying to buy Matt a coffee or something, but Matt waved them off. That didn't stop them from apologizing, and after a while, they became friends.

The first thing Kelly noticed about Matt was his bright baby blue eyes, which always seemed wide with curiosity and innocence. At first, it was just physical attraction, but once he got to know Matt, it became more of a crush.

On Matt's side, it was very much the same. He first noticed Kelly's wide grin and expressive eyes. Matt always saw the sincerity in Kelly's eyes whenever he apologized, making it easier to trust him.

Andy was always there whenever they hung out, grinning at the floor as he watched his oldest and new best friends fall stupidly in love with each other without the other knowing. He tried to push them to move this love story along, but the two were too oblivious to the other's attraction and fear of ruining their friendship too much. Andy even tried shoving them into a closet while drunk at a party to see if they would hook up, but they talked until they sobered up.

As life moved on, so did the two of them. Kelly met Renee and almost got married. Matt was the person he went to when he found out Renee was cheating on him, and Matt let him in with open arms.

Matt moved on with Hallie and nearly got married—twice—Kelly wasn't there for his engagement falling apart due to their rift over Andy's death.

Kelly was physically and emotionally hurting, and Matt was the closest person he trusted, so he felt safe enough to let all his anger out on him. Matt didn't deserve it, Kelly knew that, but one of the last things Andy told Kelly was, "Don't wait so long that he slips from your fingers." At the time, he didn't understand what Andy meant; he never talked to anyone about his crush on Matt. When Andy died, and Kelly saw Matt on the aerial, it hit him that Andy was talking about Matt. When Matt climbed down with the help of Herrmann and walked over to him for comfort, he was so confused.

He didn't understand how Andy knew about his feelings, how Andy had just died, or if he should do anything about his feelings. He didn't understand and Kelly Severide isn't known to be one with his emotions, so he lashed out, and Matt just so happened to be there. It hurt him, giving Matt the cold shoulder, but Kelly didn't know how to keep Matt in his life while his head was full of spaghetti. Sadly, this was the only way that worked.

Neither lost feelings towards each other, but when they finally returned to talking terms, neither wanted to risk losing the other again. They figuratively held each other as tight as possible but physically kept a platonic distance to protect their friendship and from a broken heart.

Life moved on, and they grew closer. They watched each other getting with different people, were their wingmen, and accidentally walked in on each other during sex. Everyone knew they were best friends, but everyone also wondered if the two had some past romantic relationship. No one said anything except for Leslie Shay.

Shay was annoyed when Matt and Kelly were in a yelling match, but Kelly listened about as well as a rock, so it was a waste of breath. She prayed and hoped the two would get their head out of their asses, and it took a few months, but they finally did. She didn't want to get involved with their relationship and wanted Kelly to figure it out alone. Kelly had drunkenly admitted to Shay—when he was still fighting with Matt—about what Andy told Kelly before the bells rang and he died. She knew it was a touchy subject and tried to push Kelly towards Matt without being obvious. Sadly, when it comes to feelings Kelly doesn't want to acknowledge, he's pretty dense about subtle hints and nudges.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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