Loss Of Memory

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One night that Kelly can't remember may be why the best thing in his life falls apart.


Kelly woke up with a massive headache. He groans when the sunlight hits his eyes and squeezes them shut, and covers his eyes with his arm. He takes deep breaths to calm the raging headache and sighs happily when he feels Matt snuggled closer into his chest.

Kelly and Matt.

He and Matt have been together for three years. It took Andy dying and two more years after that for them to realize their feelings finally, and they wished they hadn't wasted all those years dancing around each other. But however long it took, they were finally here together, and Kelly couldn't have been happier.

Kelly rolled towards the warm body, wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him closer. He ran his hands up and down Matt's back, knowing he liked it when he felt it. His hand paused and touched around it feeling more of it when he cracked an eye open and saw brown instead of the usual blond. His eyes widen, and he lifts his hand resting on supposed Matt's back to find long brown hair. He moves as fast as he can out of the sheets, effectively waking the person.

"Kelly? What the hell?" A female voice said just as Kelly jumped out of bed and got a full view of a naked woman lying in bed. He stumbled a bit, feeling dizzy, and it was hard to fight consciousness as he desperately tried to make sense of it all.

'Is this my bed? No, thank god. I'm in some stranger's bed. Some stranger's house. Is that worse? I can't tell. Wait, clothes?' Kelly thinks to himself and looks down to see that no, he doesn't have anything on, and he looks around to find his clothes in a messy pile on the ground.

"Fuck," Kelly said to himself and ran over to his clothes and quickly put them on. "Fuck, fuck, fucking shit, fuck," he kept cursing as he got dressed as fast as possible.

"It's eight-thirty. Can't you come back to bed?" The girl Kelly can't remember asking in a pile, and Kelly didn't even bother answering her. Internally he is freaking out and topping it off. He is late to shift.

"Shit," Kelly muttered again, grabbed his jacket, and bolted out of the room without a goodbye. He didn't have time to go and shower, so he would have to settle with showering at the house and pray that he had an extra uniform in his locker.

Maybe Kelly broke a few driving laws on his way to the firehouse, but he didn't care because his mind was reeling too much.

What does he tell Matt?

What does he tell Boden about being late?

What even happened?

Why couldn't he remember anything?

He blinks away the blurriness right as the firehouse comes into view, and he sighs in relief and pulls his car in park. He quickly stumbles out of the car and has to grip the car door before toppling over. He must take several deep breaths before going to the firehouse.

"Shit," he muttered when all the rigs were out. Not only did that mean he missed a call for his shift, but that this was a busy day, and he was not feeling up for a busy day.

However, maybe this is a good thing. He can pull himself together before anyone sees him. He quickly— as quickly as his nausea and hazy mind will let him— to his quarters for some Advil to help with the hangover. He smiled when he saw his work bag sitting on his desk and had to thank Matt for doing that.

He grabbed the bag and stumbled to the showers hoping to clear his mind. If he was being honest, the adrenaline and shock of the morning were wearing off, and he felt horrible. He had never felt this bad after drinking and had never forgotten a night. He doesn't even remember why he was drinking. He can't even remember much of last night.

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