It's Been Awhile

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It was the most fun he's ever had, but more importantly, it was the only time he felt that connection. He wanted to take the next step—Kelly Severide doesn't do commitments—but with him, he did. He was just too scared to ruin their friendship and potentially lose a relationship he never wanted to lose, so he broke it off. He took that step back, hoping his feelings would disappear, but his emotions got stronger, especially when he watched him walk away. In his attempt to maintain their relationship, he ended up losing it.


Kelly Severide and Matthew Casey had a friends-with-benefits situation in the academy when Kelly caught feelings and ended it. Then he never saw Matt again after they graduated.


Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, and Andy Darden met in the academy. They became fast friends, and where there was one, there were the other two.

Kelly and Matt especially had caught each other's eyes. One being perfectly comfortable in their sexuality, while the other was fighting the rules set upon him by his parents. There was a lot of confusion and a lot of self-hatred on Matt's part, but in the end, they found comfort in each other.

Kelly Severide was Matt's first kiss with a boy. He was the person that solidified this confusion in his brain and made something he knew deep down come to light. He was happy for a taste of freedom but terrified of what freedom now meant. It was a constant back-and-forth battle, but another constant was Kelly Severide. By the end of it, his parent's voices were dimmer, and he was starting to embrace this newfound freedom.

Matt didn't want it to end with Kelly. He found safety in the man's arms and didn't ever want to let go. But when Kelly told him they needed to step back, he was hurt but convinced himself it was a good thing.

Kelly didn't want it to be a good thing. He was secretly moping and valued any time he saw his favourite blond smile or laugh. He fought the urge to run up to his Matt or kiss him or be allowed to snuggle up to him at night. He missed it when he was allowed to do that—even if it was when they were having sex.

But life changed for both of them.

Kelly ended up meeting Renée Whaley, and Kelly wanted to see if he could find the same thing he did with Matt in Renée.

He didn't.

He tried, boy did he try, but he didn't. He loved Renée and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her but deep down, he knew she wasn't the person, but he still fought for their relationship.

He was sad that he didn't have Matt when the relationship fell apart. He had Andy and Shay, which was great, but he didn't have Matt. By that point, he, Matt and Andy had fallen apart. When they were placed in different houses, they tried to see each other often, but then their shifts didn't match up, and soon enough, they stopped talking.

Kelly knew Matt had moved out of the city through social media, and he had stared at Matt's contacts so many times that Shay threatened to call Matt for him. Part of him wants to know what is going on in the blond's life, and the other part doesn't think he can watch the love of his life be happy with someone else.

Oh, a new revelation came to light after his break up with Renée, his flings, the other Renée and more flings. It was a drunken revelation but a life-altering revelation nonetheless.

Andy tried to push Kelly to reach out; they were all friends, after all, and maybe on his birthday or holidays. He even offered to reach out so it wouldn't be so weird to Matt, but Kelly refused. Stubborn, as always.

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