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Kelly met the famous adopted son of Christopher Herrmann when said person came back from University.


"So Herrmann, when will we meet said son of yours in law school?" Otis asked when everyone was in the common room and eating dinner. Herrmann would bring up this son at least once a month and always held so much pride and love in his voice. It was sometimes a joke that Herrmann loved this adopted son more than his biological children, but they all knew it was a joke. Herrmann is one of the most loving fathers out there, but they are a group of firefighters. Poking fun at each other is what they do.

"I'll bring him around Molly's as a graduation present," Herrmann said with a shrug.

"Wait, you didn't take time off for his graduation," Otis pointed out with a frown.

"His bar exam and I already went to his graduation. It was an off-shift day," Herrmann said with an eye roll.

"Alright, when is that?" Cruz asked, and Herrmann eyed them suspiciously.

"Test is today. Why?" Herrmann asked, and the two shrugged and looked back to their dinner. "What?"

"A child of yours went to Harvard Law School and is apparently one of the top three of his class," Otis said with an amused smile. "Never met the kid and only heard of him after he was in University. Sorry, Herrmann, but we don't think he's real."

Shay snorted a laugh at that and shook her head.

"You only heard of him three years ago because I met you three years ago. Cindy and I took him in when he was already seventeen. He is real; I'll call him to prove it," Herrmann pulled out his phone and clicked on the contact. He put it on the speaker phone, and everyone listened to the phone ring. And ring. And ring. And then, voicemail.

Otis laughed, and Herrmann stared in shock at his phone, offended that his son didn't pick up.

"Shut up," Herrmann muttered, putting his phone away and glaring at Otis and Cruz, who are still chuckling.


Kelly found himself sitting at Molly's talking to Shay before the bar opened when the door opened.

"Sorry, we're closed," Shay called out, and Kelly turned around to find a blond-haired, blue-eyed man standing there. Kelly won't lie that he isn't attractive and just the person he would go for and was hoping maybe this guy would come back when they open.

"I know, but I was hoping to speak to my dad, Christopher Herrmann," he said, walking towards Shay's and Kelly's eyebrows shot up. Not only is this the son Herrmann is always talking about, but he also has an Australian accent. "I'm Matthew Casey, by the way."

"Kelly Severide," Kelly said and gave Matt a charming smile while he extended his hand for Matt to shake.

"MATT," A voice called out from the back and then Herrmann appeared in the doorway of the backdoor. "I thought I heard your voice," he said with a smile and jogged over and pulled Matt in for a hug.

"Hey, dad," Matt said and looked around when they parted.

"You forgot to mention Matt's Australian," Shay said as Otis walked out holding a glasses box.

"Who's Australian?" Otis asked absentmindedly as he went to the rest of the shelves.

"I am," Matt said, raising a hand, and Otis looked over at Matt rather than Herrmann, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Otis meet Matt, my son, Matt, meet Otis, the elevator guy," Herrmann said and emphasized on son. Otis's jaw dropped, and he glanced over at Matt, who was a bit confused.

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