Two Casey's?

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Everyone has that one aspect of their life that is something they don't like or even talk about. For Matthew Casey, that's his family. Everyone who knows Casey or knows of him knows that his family is a topic never to be brought up for a peaceful work environment or not getting your head bitten off by Severide.

It was all good until, well, until the firehouse discovered a Casey lookalike.


Everyone has that one aspect of their life that is something they don't like or even talk about. For Matthew Casey, that's his family. Everyone who knows Casey or knows of him knows that his family is a topic never to be brought up for a peaceful work environment or not getting your head bitten off by Severide.

Lieutenant Kelly Severide and Andy Darden had always been protective of Matt's past, especially when people have tried to use it to lower Matt's confidence.

Most know about the story of the wife who shot her husband in front of her children. It didn't take everyone long to realize that the wife was Matt's mother, especially when her trial was set. No one really knows the logistic of the case because it was kept out of the media except the gossip. They know Matt has a sister, Christie, who is five years older than Matt, and they know it happened when Matt was around ten years old.

People in CFD and firehouse 51 know of Matt's close relationship with Christopher Hermann, but only a handful know that when Matt was around sixteen, Hermann found him on the streets on the brink of freezing to death and took Matt in as one of his own. He was never officially adopted, but that didn't mean Matt was any less a part of the Hermann family.


Around dinner time during a cold Chicago winter, Squad, Ambo and Engine were in the common room eating dinner and keeping the food warm for Truck when they returned from their call.

The table was filled with chatter, and no one noticed the blond figure walk into the room hesitantly, looking frantic.

"H-hi," a shy voice said, and Cruz turned around only to see it was Casey and looking back to his plate of food before doing a double take looking back at the guy. "Is Matthew Casey here?"

The room was silent as everyone looked at the person standing before them.

"Anyone else sees a Casey lookalike but with long hair instead?" Capp called, and people nodded confusedly at the man hovering there.

"Matthew Casey, you know him, so is he here?" The Matt lookalike asked again with more urgency, which snapped some of them out of their confused state.

"Captain Matt Casey is on a call right now," Severide replied and checked his watch. "Should be back any second now. Do you want to sit an-" he was cut off by the sound of the garage doors opening and the beeping of the firetruck backing up into their spot. "Never mind, he is outside," with that, the lookalike rushed outside, and everyone else got up to see what was going to happen.

"Matt, you have a visitor," Kelly announced just as Matt jumped out of the Truck, and since the firetruck blocked him, he couldn't see who it was.

"Where are they?" Matt asked, taking off his gear before walking around and freezing when he saw who was standing beside his boyfriend. "Jesse?"

"Hey, Matt," Jesse said with a sigh of relief. "I know the last time we talked, I threw a TV remote at you and screamed in your face, but I'm not here to do that or ask for money or anything like that. You told me you could help," he nervously fidgetted with his fingers as he waited for Matt to overcome his shock.

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