Stepford Wife?

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[Written Date: January 15, 2022}
{Published Date: January 15, 2022}
Goal Word Count: 3,000 words.
Completed Word Count: 3,144 Words
new kinks introduced: step-ford kink.
~ Definition Below ~
Step-ford Kink: in a kink scene, the submissive plays the "married woman" who submits to her "husband's" (the dominants) will and is preoccupied by domestic concerns and her own domestic appearance. The Stepford wives do only what their husbands want.
Jake English would never admit to the reality that hid in his closet. The '50s dress that hid away, with the matching heels and frills. He picked the dress from the rod where it hung, laying it out on his bed. Smoothing out the soft wrinkles in front of him. A thick ribbon that cupped next to each breast and around the back of the neck. Leaving an open back, as it pulls into a cinched corset top, that gave a thin appearance before the skirt splayed out. Giving the appearance of a hour glass shape. Even laying down, the dress couldn't lay flat. Too many frills kept it from flattening. The color was something that was entirely eye-catching, matching perfectly with Jake's eyes.
Each morning, Dirk could hear soft noises from Jake's room. The clack of bobby pins hitting the wooden boards. The sound of his closet opening and closing. Vacuuming the carpet that held his bed in a beautiful space. This morning, Dirk didn't have the patience to keep listening. It was 5:03 in the morning, he had work today, on top of him being the only worker in the house, he had other responsibilities, regarding the boys as well. Yes, the boys had college, but those brats could sleep til noon, or until their dominant woke them and got them dressed for the day.
Jake stayed home, cleaning the house, and taking care of the cooking. It wasn't a planned agreement, but it had developed into a silent one.
Dirk finally began to move sluggishly from his bed, making his way across the hall to Jake's room. A soft knock... nothing, the cleaning continued. After a couple countless and useless knocks, Dirk decided to open the door, and to walk in. When he did, nothing could have prepared him for such.
I couldn't believe my eyes, the cinched waist, the pinned waves. The frills followed past his knees, and the cut off to his frilly socks, left everything to the imagination. No heels, but what I could see was their snug fit under the nightstand. So I watched as my lover danced on his tip-toes. AirPods I had given to him on his 22nd birthday, I could only see by a small hole in one of the curls. Silence, the vacuum was off. This was my time to show the appreciation, he knew his lover desired.
Dirk stalked close, wrapping his arms around Jake's clothed waist. The weight now on his hips, caused Jake to stutter while his fingers struggled to remove his AirPods. Flushed cheeks, and a heart racing faster than the speed of light. "H..hey. What's. What's up?" He stammered, trying to play cool, as to pretend that he was not caught in the act.
"Just wondering what my little housewife is doing at such an early hour." Was this a joke? Jake let out the softest whimper, feeling himself strain to hide the moan that bubbled up in his throat. His underwear soaking slowly, dampening the soft silk. "I-. I was just cleaning, sir." His response was barely above a whisper. "Oh I see. Being quite loud, waking me up. Don't want the pets to wake up, now do we? They'll muddy up the carpet. With their dirty paws. You can be a good girl and clean those dirty boys today, yes?" With no response, he knew he had pushed Jake into the desired headspace. Glossy eyes, and his lips parted. "Yes, hubby. Anything for you." His response was mixed with broken whimpers and hesitation. Dirk's hands began to wonder, running down the assets of his lover and pushing up the frills from behind. "Wow, darling. You're soaking through your panties already! What a beautiful sight." Pushing them to the side and delicately rubbing the tip of Jake's penis. Wrapping his fingers around him, as he started to pump slowly. Jake was startled as he fought to keep himself from falling. His knees felt like jello, as Dirk laid him down on the newly made bed. "Baby, your room is absolutely pristine!" Jake flushed at those words. "Dirk, I'm dying right now." He broke character, panting. This brought the natural sadistic laughter into the room. The speed of Dirk's hand ramped up at this. "Oh I see~, such a little princess. Sitting here, wanting all the validation for your perfectly clean room. Well I must say you've made me proud, my good little housewife." Jake tipped his head back, letting out a hearty moan, as he came. Soaking the dress and his underwear. Removing his hand, Dirk wiped it on his old pants. He encouraged Jake to take a few moments before they continued. Gently slipped the socks from Jake, and following with the underwear. Jake sat up, letting Dirk slip the dress from his body. "Hubby will take this to the dry cleaners today." He said as he laid the frilly dress over the back of the office chair.
After Jake finally caught his breath once more, he waited for Dirk's next command. Dirk pointed to the floor in front of him. "Down." His voice was strict, and felt like the embodiment of cigarette smoke. Intoxicating, yet so delicious. Jake scrambled down to the floor, the now naked individual sat on his knees and calves. Hands holding in his lap, as he waited for his dominants instructions. "You can touch." Hands flung towards him, grabbing at the fabric, letting it fall down his thighs, watching as his partner's length excitedly stood at attention once freed. 'Commando, how surprising.' Jake's thoughts caused him to hold back a giggle. His eyes met with Dirk's as he took Dirk into his mouth. Covering his teeth with his lips, as he slid down his length. Nose grazing his pubic hair, the blonde, coarse hair. Hollowing out his cheeks, as he inhaled air, feeling Dirk clench his fists on the hem of his shirt. Jake pulled his head back, and followed through with this action many times, including a couple quirks, that brought Dirk to climax. Pulling off, he swallows the liquid and feeling it coat his throat. He leaned back, sitting back on his ass. He caught his breathe, looking back up at Dirk. Dirk sat on the bed, catching his own breathe to pull him back from the pure bliss he had just witnessed. "You did so well, darling. I'm so proud of you." He remarked, as soon as he had the energy, he picked Jake up with ease. Bringing him to the bathroom, once more cleaned by the submissive in his arms. He sat him on the counter, turning the knobs to emit a lukewarm temperature. Blocking the water from going down the drain, waiting til there was thick line of water, bringing Jake to the bath. Sitting with him between his legs. Grabbing the cup from side of the bathtub, and filling it with water and dipping it to wet Jake's hair. "You did so good, little one." He leaned back, once the bath full, turning it off and just holding his submissive partner. Jake's headspace still holding strong, as Dirk slowly brought him back to Earth. Jake's glossy eyes became more clear, as he laid his head on his shoulder. "How can our most calm scene, take so much energy..?" Jake laughed gently, looking exhausted. "Probably from being up so early, and you were in a very deep headspace, baby~" Jake only hummed in agreement. "The boys need bathes today.. And the house needs tidying." Jake remarked, calculating his daily tasks. Earning a gratified nod. "Mhm.. They sure do. Running out in the snow all evening, I saw the mud they had on their feet. I'm sure they are also a sick couple of pets." Jake's entertained laugh agreed. "Oh definitely, those boys don't listen to save their own lives. What a bunch of new 20 year olds." They both erupt from laughter, amusing each other in their time of calm. Even though each relationship was built on a sexual dynamic. Their love grew stronger with each day. Dirk's dream to marry them, became more clear each day, as well.
Karkat's eyes opened to the sound of shuffling in the kitchen. Begrudgingly, he flopped onto his belly to arch his back outward to stretch, imitating a cat. Moving to the edge of the bed, he slipped down, pulling on the nearest hoodie. He was sore from the days prior, with the relentless sex. Especially since, Dave and John had found a new interest in double penetration, and the alien succumbed to it. It made sense, since a couple words could make him stutter and fall into his beautiful headspace. "Hubby, what do you want for breakfast, this morning?" He heard when he walked in the hall. The strong Northern British accent gave away who the owner was. Feeling a sense of calmness, hearing such a loving tone from the kitchen, he waddled to them. Ears flopped back and his eyes big and glossy.
Dirk looked to the entrance, smiling at the precious sight. A small troll, with bedhead that curled and buried his horns. Wrapped up in Jake's godteir sweater, and in the black thigh high socks that warmed his toes. "Good morning, kitten." He patted his lap, encouraging him to come sit. Karkat slipped almost immediately, eyes glossed over when he moved into his lap. He pulled his knees to his chest, staring up at him wide eyes. "Sir..?" He questioned as he pointed to Jake. "Pretty. What call?" His simple sentence, broken by his headspace caused Jake's cheeks to flush, feeling a surge of dominance at the soft expression. Dirk raised an eyebrow, before looking back at Karkat. "Jake is mommy, when he's dressed like this." Startled by the new dynamic, Karkat's cheeks turned candy red, as Jake walked over to run his fingers through the knotted locks, gently pulling apart the curls swiftly. "Poor kitty, he needs grooming today." A soft hiss could be heard, causing a gentle warning by the main dominant in the room. Karkat hated the idea of bathing. It was a distracting and boring time, nor did he like water. He fought bathing almost every-time, hell he would barely drink water out of spite with his hatred of water. Dirk checked the time. "Oh darling, I have to head to work, they're calling me in early." Standing to attention. He set Karkat in Jake's arms, kissing the British housewife. Jake supported Karkat with his hands under his hoodie, holding his ass gently. A gentle massaging manner as to distract him from the upsetting departure. Dirk slipped on his boots, tightening the laces and looping them before grabbing his keys and making his way out the door. Jake looked down at the bundle of cuteness in his arms. "Now Kitty, how about we finish making breakfast, and then we can get you a bath. And some cuddles to make up for it?" Karkat nodded in understanding, sneezing with his runny nose and feverish face. He was sick, once again. "Poor thing, can't let you go outside in this weather. Those puppies using you in the yard." A soft squeak of embarrassment. "Oh you didn't think we saw? Your whimpering is so loud, I'm surprised our neighbors never heard!" Bonk. Karkat buries himself into his chest, as the said puppies leave the room they slept in. Karkat's room. Dave whined like a husky in heat. "Karkattttttt, I'm hornyyyyyy, so is Johnnnnnnn!" He whined. Karkat's ears perked up. John and Dave joined the room, to see the kitten before them, licking their lips. "Oh look at how they see you. Boys go grab the comfy bed and move the table. We are gonna film for hubby." The boys were surprised, yet not confused by his instruction. He checked for their consent, each boy nodding in confirmation. They rush away, grabbing the bed and the camera. The dining table pushed to the side of the room, and a comforting nest made for the kitten, while the housewife laid him down and began recording. The kitten had been quickly stripped of his clothes. Karkat never kept clothes on very long, with how excited each boy was to jump his bones, once he got home from schooling, or the library. He never minded, even with his minimal complaints. He liked how used he felt. Loved and spoiled after each time. Once the recording started, so did the boys. Stalking into the nest, their cold touch traced over every spot on his body, while they made out with each other. Pants and irritated grabbing could be heard as they groaned for dominance over one another. Only ever succeeding with Karkat. A hand slipped between Karkat's thighs, encouraging him onto his back, as they spread him open. Red was up his thighs. His slick suffocating the air around them. High whines as Dave waisted no time to move away and delve his nose into his lover's nook. Karkat could only gasp. Not having anytime to react before John was eating him alive. Love bites littering his skin as if he was a holiday meal. "Mm!" He squealed, arching into their touch. He felt like he was on fire, how could two little shits cause him to unravel like yarn. No knitting needles could ever put him back together faster than their ability to pull him apart. He was always full of their cum. Or atleast someone's and not one complained. Their breeding kinks surpassed any natural level with someone like him. Karkat cried out as Dave's relentless tongue pushed deep inside of him, easily opening him up, as if he needed anymore stretching. Poor thing was so loose, it felt like he was always leaking. (he sure was, but no one would admit that.) John was desperate to get this moving along. "Dave.. Dave.. I want to fuck now!" His huffing was strong, untamed as the blonde agreed. Cheeks stained red, that John happily lapped at. In the minutes passing, not too long after, Karkat had two dicks inside of him. Filling him to the brim, to the point his tentacle felt needy. Felt neglected. He could only whimper, no words to be found in his desperation. He was too far gone. The boys were relentless as they drilled into him. Stuffing him full of their cum. The camera caught every moment of this. Each noise, every expression.
What couldn't be seen once the cameras turned off, was the amount of love that came from the two dog-like boys. They massaged his skin, rubbing lotion to help soothe the soreness. Words of affirmation filled the air, and gentle cleaning procedures followed suit. Jake had long since finished breakfast for each one of them, sending off the video as he made their plates. Getting them situated and having something playing for them, as he did a quick clean, and a making of his own plate. The house once again, back in order as if an hour prior, the smallest of the five wasn't just stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey.
Sitting in the office, Dirk slipped in an AirPod to sneakily watch the video. The preview picture already had him straining against his zipper. It was Karkat, curled up in the makeshift nest, naked, and curled up to present himself to the camera. His tentacle had pushed itself in Karkat's nook, red slick bubbling out the side of his walls, coating the sheets in his liquid. A groan passed his lips, as he stood up. He locked his office doors, closing the blinds in his glass office, and turning off the lights. He sat back in his chair, slipping both AirPods in his ears, as he pressed play on the video. Eyes casting across the screen, desperately. He fiddled with the button, struggling to take it out of the loop. It took him a minute, before he freed himself. Not taking any more time to wrap his calloused fingers around himself. The rough texture making him moan, luckily his office was soundproof. He couldn't hold himself back any longer. Pumping his hand, he kept his focus on the video. The glistening of his lover's skin, and the moans that left them, had his climax burning in the pit of his stomach. His hand became covered in his finished orgasm. Grabbing the tissues next to his computer, he wiped his hands, and his dick itself. He situated himself properly again, standing to head to the bathroom, to clean himself up to perfection. Washing his hands free of his sins, he caught his breathe all the same. Dreading the last few hours of his work day. Today was going to be painfully long after that.
And he was correct, the day was never-ending...
Dave had never been so horny in his life, until recently, he could go over a year with no sexual activity. But now anytime he sees Karkat, his existence simply has him squirming. He desperately wanted to pull him apart. He was just too cute! He had his squishy cheeks, both on his face and his behind. John was in agreement, him and Dave were both dying of lust for their submissive counterpart. Dave sat next to Jake, questioning himself. "Why.. Why am I always so horny? Anytime I see Karkat, I just wanna.." He mumbled, in a almost silent question. Jake looked up from his text books. "Karkat is very adorable, but honestly, I think your body is mimicking something that resembles an omega heat or an alpha's rut. You and John are both very similar in that aspect, along with the excitement of your newfound kinks." Dave took mental notes of everything his lover said. "How come I don't feel that way with you or Dirk?" Jake took a moment to answer, finding the best way to phrase his next sentence. "Possibly, since Dirk and I are the most dominating individuals in the relationship, it makes it easier for you to submit to us, compared to Karkat or John, who act just the same as you, if not more submissive." Dave nodded along, moving closer to Jake. "That makes... sense." He mumbled.
He never thought of it that way...

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