The tails?

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I walked into the kitchen, the only thing covering me was Dirk's see through, white tee shirt. Other than that, I was almost completely naked. After that night, my body is so fucking weak. I started to make myself some coffee, purring. Jake walked out soon or later, at the noise of a doorbell and the holler of. "It's for me. I'll get it." The big box, Jake had and that smirk, as he called us to the bedroom. We all sleepily stood there. Dave in Jake's hoodie. Karkat in pajama pants. Jake in boxers with Dirk, and then what I wore.
He opened up the box with the house key and pulled out..tails?? "Everyone, hands and knees. Eyes closed. Asses in the air." We all slowly moved from our standing positions to the ones on our hands and knees, with a soft sigh. He walked behind me first. I felt his finger along my entrance, causing me to squirm, ending with his cupped palm slapped against my ass, hard. I yelped and went silent, staying still. I felt his hands, roam around my entire lower half. Soon, i heard the sound of a lid being opened, then feeling cold fingers against my entrance. He shoved the two fingers into my entrance. I squeaked and gripped the carpet, shaking. I could feel the smirk from behind me when he crooked his fingers, slightly and started to paw at my prostate, like it would give him a prize. Quickly, I became a moaning mess, my arms giving out, as i was in my carpet on my chest now. "J-ah~" Words wouldn't be an option now. Soon, after twenty minutes and coming twice, I felt a tapered end push into my entrance, getting larger than smaller again. Soon feeling the fur against my skin, as the object, making my lower gut feel heavy. It pushed and rubbed against my prostate, making my body shaky and weak. A moaning mess I still was. "Now sit, kitten." He smirked and whispered this in my ear, before he walked in front of me and clipped ears to my head and a collar with a bell around my neck. He smirked, a soft kiss planted on the button of my tiny nose. Watching as each person was given a new tail. Me, squirming and purring with anticipation. The weight in my gut, making me fully aware of who owned me. I look up at him, my blue eyes, glossed over in content of the other. He returned it with a small pat of praise, causing my face to flush and my hips, wiggle slightly.
My amber eyes, chased the shadows of the male, who had played with his entrance. Made his body feel as if it was jello, as it still did from overstimulation because of the slight rubbing of his sweet spots. I wiggle my hips, slightly to get comfortable before letting out a moan when it pushed up against my prostate. Jake walked over, looking at me. He bends down, squatting in front of me, gripping my chin lightly. "Such a pretty kitty~" He purred and leaned in close to my ear. "Be a good kitty, and Daddy will let you fuck Dave or John until they melt in my arms~ Do you want that kitty..?~" I nod, my face flushed and my hands making their way to his shirt holding onto it tightly. "Yes, Daddy. I'll be good for you." He looked at him. "Good boy." He hummed, letting go and beginning to stand. I whimper, my hands falling away back into my lap.
My red eyes, were covered by my raven colored hair. My lower gut, felt odd. It was heavy and an object had been placed in me, making it difficult to move one bit without almost collapsing in pleasure. Jake smirked, walking over and running his long, natural claws through the hair, as his long, bony fingers wrap around on of my nubby, candy corn colored horns. I gasped and looked up at him. He looked up at him, as he began to rub them, as if his life depended on it. My eyes gloss over, my back arched in a moan as I grip onto him and my gray skin becomes flushed with the human red colored flushing of my skin. I moan and look up at him as he pets me and rubs my sensitive horns.
Soon, he walked over to me. My albino blonde hair sticking to my forehead. The butt plug, firmly against my prostate. He grabbed a remote and flicked a switch, turning mine on. I gasp and hold onto Jake. The relentless vibrating sending sharp springs of pleasure, running through my body. My red eyes look around as I gasp and moan.

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