When He Left

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Nobody's Pov

       When Dirk left everyone of them was a moaning mess. "D-DID H-HE RE- *pants* REALLY J-JUST L-LEAVE?" Karkat yelled from his room. He hated the feeling of the cum on his stomach drying. "I-I think h-he did..*pant* Ahhh~~~" Dave screamed from a few rooms down. "God FUCKING Ah~ DICKENS! I-I'm gonna k-kill h-him!" Jake was yelling. "Doe-Does anyone re-realize h- ah~ -said h-he lo-loves u-us and ahhh~~~~ and we s-said i-it back!~" John moans loudly from the other room. Everyone one went silent.... Well mostly if you don't count the moans and screams when it would hit their prostates...

Time Skip To When Dirk Comes Home...

Dirk's Pov

When I came home it was quiet.... Well sort of... You could still hear moaning but quiet moaning. They must be tired from everything today. I first walked into Karkat's room red genetic material was all over his stomach and thighs. I took out the vibrator massaging his thigh as he whimpered. I lightly brushed up against his bulge. He moaned loudly another orgasm running through him. The red genetic material soaked my hands. "Ah~S-sorry D-dirk~" I kissed him gently "It's okay babe~" I Said back to him. His face turning a dark red. "Wh-why do you do that?" "Do what?" I asked him. "Kiss me... but do you actually like me?" He said drifting off slowly. "Babe~ I love all four of you. I wouldn't do this if I didn't babe~" He smiled slightly. "O-Ok" Karkat said quietly. I kissed him again taking off the handcuffs. He rubbed his wrists lightly. Wincing when he brushed over the bruises. "Sorry babe~" "It's ok...." I pick him up and take him to the bathroom cleaning him up. Gently scratching his head. A low purr emits from his throat. "Awe... Your like a little kitten....~" I say as I scratch harder. "S-s*purr* shut u- *purr* up." I scratch harder gently rubbing his horn. "But it's so cute." I whine. I pick him up again bringing him to my room. I pull out four shirts and boxers. I pull it over his head and lay him down. I kiss his head and pet his hair.

I walk into Jake's room. His sheets and stomach are covered in cum. He's quietly moaning obviously tired as fuck. I pull out the vibrator and kiss his head. I untie his hands. He sits up on the bed swaying slightly. I offer my hand to help him up he takes it and stands up instantly falls to the ground. Groaning in pain and frustration. I pick him up kissing his head. "Hey babe?~" I question. "Ya...." He replies quietly. "All of you are so adorable..." I say kissing his neck softly. I pull him into the bathroom cleaning him up and carry him to my room. I put his boxers onto him and pulled a shirt over his head. Karkat sat up quietly. I didn't realize it at first but the shirt is a tee shirt with a orange hat on it. The sleeves originally go to the elbows. The shirt hangs off his shoulder halfway down his arm. Practically covering his arm but his hand. Jake's shirt is a bit tighter but still extremely big. It hangs off his shoulder exposing his collarbone. I kiss both of them. "Now get some sleep babies~ Everyone will be in here soon~" "hmmmm kay~~" They both reply tiredly. Jake grabs onto Karkat pulling him down and covering them with a comforter. Karkat flushes red a dark candy red. Jake kisses his lips and Karkat does back. And starts to sleep.
I walk into Dave's room doing the same as I did to Jake and Karkat. I set him in the bed kissing him gently. He snuggled up to Karkat. I went into John's room who was so close to sleep. I did the same routine again. I set him next to Dave. Everyone was dressed and trying to sleep. " Goodnight my kittens~" I said quietly. "goodnight....." Came muttered responses. I changed into some boxers and a shirt with a orange hat on it and layed next to them. We all fell asleep quickly.

718 words

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