Fuck, I miss you.

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❗️❗️TW: Terrible meltdown ❗️❗️
He throws it a crossed the room in frustration. The phone landing against the phone, not broken. Tears stream down his cheeks, as he plays the message through his head. "I miss you..." Those three words could show weakness and he couldn't handle it. He wanted Jake here, he was gone for the night and he couldn't deal with it. Everyone was gone tonight, he just wanted someone with him. Make those thoughts disappear for a little while. He's out of his pills. His hands trembling and his eyes glossy with tears. He hears a ding, but he's so disoriented that he can't bring himself to stand. He lays against the headboard and shakes violently. What is wrong with him? Why did he need him hear so badly? 'He doesn't love you anymore..' His hands fly to his hair and he grabs the locks, pulling it harshly. "Shut up!" His hoarse voice growls out. Karkat and John were at John's dads for the week. Dirk and Jake were at a convention. Dave didn't want to intrude on their plans so he stayed home. He stood up shaking violently. He walked down the stairs, stumbling and looking for anything to make the thoughts disappear. He soon found a bottle of vodka. He grabbed it quickly and took off the cap, gulping down the burning liquid. His heart rate speed up and his thoughts grew foggy. He sunk to the floor and shook violently. Tears streaming down his cheeks, as he looked around the kitchen and bawled his eyes out. "You're such a baby.." The bottle comes back to his lips, as he gulps more of the liquid down. He stumbled back up the stairs to his bed, where he flopped back onto the mattress, his hand weakly holding the neck of the bottle, as he fell asleep.
Jake checks his phone and looks at the text. He wondered what was wrong with Dave, Karkat and John should be home to keep him company. "I miss you too, baby. I'll be home tomorrow. Go cuddle with Karkat and John." {Seen: 12:13am} He felt off when he received no answer. He called Karkat. "Hey, what's up with Dave?" He asked softly. "How would I know? You guys are the ones with him." Jake's eyes widened. "No.. we aren't. You guys were supposed to be with him." He looked at Dirk in panic. Karkat muttered a soft fuck. ".. He told us that he was fine and that he would figure it. John come on we have to go." Jake heard over the phone. "Dirk we have to go home. I'll take you to the next one. Dave is home alone." Dirk's eyes widened in worry. "Fuck." He stood up and started to get dressed, grabbing his things and putting them together. They forgot to get Dave's refill that's why it was so worrying. Dave hadn't been home alone for more than an hour in 2 years. Separation anxiety played a huge part in it. They got in the car and hung up the car as they started to drive home. It would take 2-3 hours. They kept calling Dave, no answer was given.
Dave groggily awoke again and rubbed his eyes with a groan. His mouth meeting the opening of the bottle again, dropping it to the floor and running to the bathroom to fall short and throw up. "Don't you miss this? Throwing up in the toilet after any meal or drink.." He leaned against the wall, rubbing his eyes. "Fucking shit." He caught sight of a razor on the counter. "Do it.." He shakes his head and stands up, falling back to the floor and pressing his head against the wall. He groans and sighs. He hears a ring and furrows his eyebrows. "What's that?" He wanted it to stop. He stumbles back to the room and looks at the small device on the floor. "Jake?" He yawned and answered the call. "Baby, omg you scared me." He couldn't process Jake's words. "W-What?" Dave stammered, his words just the slightest slurred. He curled up on the bathroom floor again and dropped the phone beside him throwing up again.
Jake groaned in frustration. There was terrible traffic. He finally got a hold of Dave and heard his slurred words and throwing up. "He's drunk.." He frowned, worriedly fiddling his fingers. Dave only got drunk when he was alone and scared.
Karkat pulled into the parking space and hurried out with John, as they ran to their apartment building. John panted and looked at him. "He told us that he wouldn't be alone.." He frowned and they got to the door, hearing something loud fall to the ground. He opened up the door and left it open for John, looking to see Dave curled up in pain moving over and throwing up again. Having an allergy to Vodka wasn't on the greatest side. Karkat frowned and called Dirk. "Dirk, Dirk. He drank the vodka." Dirk frowned and heard the car turn off. He knew what this was. Dave was having a melt down. He used to have them when he was younger, a lot of the time when he wasn't home. They were finally all home and ran into the apartment and over to the bathroom, seeing Dave curled up on the ground. Dirk picked him up and looked at them. "Come on, we have to go to hospital before he tears his stomach." They nod and take him back to the car and hurry as they drive. The traffic had cleared thankfully.
Jake's feet paced around the room in panic, trying to process the last night. "So Dave told all of us, that he wouldn't be alone. But for what reason? He could've come with one of us?" He was shaking as he tried to figure this out. "None of us talked to each other about it. We forgot is prescription. I know he's going to feel awful for this, but these meltdowns aren't good." Dirk sighed and rubbed his eyes. "He's done this. Many times before. It only happens when he's alone too long." They sigh and nod.
Dave's eyes fluttered open, awakening at the beautiful sight of the room around him. The sunlight flooding in. Dirk walked into the room, quietly closing it. Dave noticed everyone was in the room, immediately remembering the night before and the feeling of guilt flooded in. He picked at his cuticles and they walked over, smiling at him. "Hey.. You're okay." John smiled and kissed his forehead, petting his head gently. Karkat sat on the bed next to him, holding his hand. "Don't worry about last night, we are here. Everyone and everything is okay." He shushed him once the apologies started. Jake gently kissed his cheek and sat on the other end of the bed, smiling at him. Dirk stood there and smiled at him, sitting down at the foot of the bed.
"They do love me..."

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