chapter 2 - friends?

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The idea of me asking Camilo to be friends was on my mind all day. I guess I'm just taking this too seriously like it's not that hard to make a friend right?

I force myself out of my bed and straight to the kitchen. I find my mum sleeping on the couch. Of course, I thought. I decided to just eat a sad bowl of cereal then take a trip to the market after.

The trip to the market wasn't so bad till that rude, curly-head boy bumped into my shoulder. Ugh that Camilo is just gonna appear for no reason from now on like I used to never see him.

"Oh it's you again, y/n, this isn't the first time you bumped into me isn't it?" he made sure my name was said with the most obvious hard tone ever.

I looked at him in disbelief, "Oh so you thought I bumped into you just then? Bro you did."

I can't believe this boy, I guess his cheery smile and voice was just an act to make him look like a star in town...or maybe he thinks I'm just some lame girl on the streets.

He smirked at me, ignoring my sentence, "You know it's cute when you're mad."

Oh my god, what now? Anger began to boil inside of me and I completely forgot my thoughts of wanting to be friends with him.

"Oh really? Well, you, you um, you're just annoying, I don't know why I planned on becoming friends with you," I say, instantly regretting the last few words. That was such a sh*t insult.

Camilo took a step closer, "friends you say? Then why didn't you say so? We could be great friends you know."

Damn, he's soooo cocky, what a prince. I thought about his words, should I?... Instead, I just shoved him to the side and continued to walk to the market.


The day seems to go faster than expected and I finished getting the groceries I needed since my mother was not bothered to do so. Camilo kept popping up in my mind a lot and I thought about what he said. Maybe I should be friends? Oh my god now this is just getting annoying, I'm so indecisive all the time. I think maybe being friends won't be bad.

As soon as I made my decision, I turn around the corner to see HIM? What a coincidence.

"I've noticed you've been a fan of me haven't you?" he chuckled looking down at me. "Ooo, what you got there, are you cooking? We do love a mommy- *cough* I mean a good cook, sorry good cook."

Hmm, that was weird, I've never seen his confidence go down just like that. He's the least awkward person but right now it's awkward as ever.

"Yeah I'm just making a cake, hey also, I was thinking, maybe we should be friends?" I tell him, hoping he would agree.

"Friends?" he scoffed. "You really believed that huh? HAHAHA."

I could feel tears filling up my eyes. I knew if I said something I'd start crying, instead, I turned away walking in the opposite direction, feeling his eyes pierce into my back, hoping to never see that terrible boy again. What an a**hole.

Helloo hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want a Camilo POV please comment and vote and I'll add it okay thanks <333

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