chapter 12 - go cook

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I'm gonna die

I look below me at the edge of the mountain.

What a beautiful mountain I thought.

I feel a familiar hand grasp my wrist.

"DON'T LET GO," I hear Camilo shout. I turn around seeing Camilo holding onto the tree with his other arm grabbing ahold of my wrist firmly.

"Just let go," I tell him without thinking. I didn't want him to get severely hurt, or even dead. What would the whole town think?

Instead, his arm swings me back up onto the edge of the mountain, taking him down with it. He lets go of the tree, falling freely off the edge.

"CAMILO!" I scream running close to the edge. I look towards him, his hand clinging tightly around a branch. I look at him in the face, I didn't want to lose him. He looks back at me with a smile.

"I'm fine y/n, don't worry," he says confidently. Fine? How is that being fine, he's literally going to die?

I notice his fingers slowly loosen on the branch.

"Hang on there Camilo!" I hear a voice say. I look behind me and see Isabela and Dolores running towards me. They came just in time.

"Thank god you guys came," I say in relief.

"Well if it wasn't for my incredible hearing then Camilo could have been dead by now," Dolores teases.

Isabela runs towards the edge, moving her arms in an upwards motion. I look towards Camilo, large vines sprout from below, lifting Camilo up, bringing him up to us. The vines then loosen and Camilo is gently put on the ground. I run towards him hugging him tightly.

"You're okay," I say in relief, breathing in his he smells pretty good I thought, kinda like wood.

"Yeah I'm better than okay," he teases while hugging me back.

"Who should you be thanking?" I hear Isabela say behind me. I turn around and hug her back, her embrace felt warm. "Thank you," I whisper.

She laughs, "You should actually be thanking Dolores too because if she didn't hear Camilo's girl screams, I wouldn't have been here to save him."

"Hey! I do not scream like a girl," Camilo complains while crossing his arms.

We all laugh.

I quickly hug both of them, "thanks guys, I really appreciate it."

They both smile at me, "Okay Camilo and y/n we need to take you to Julieta for a bit," Isabela says.

"I'm fine I don't need fixing look I'm as healthy as a horse," he says flexing his biceps.

We roll our eyes.


I had a few scratches on my hands and arms but Julieta still wanted me to take a bite of the arepas. I take a bite into one and notice the scratches slowly seal up, disappearing like they were never there. Camilo also had to eat one, his scratches were way worse, most of them were bleeding.

"Thanks, Julieta, next time we'll be more careful," I say before finishing the area.

"Yes, next time be careful with what you lean onto," she teases me.

I laugh, "Okay, Julieta,"

After we finished eating, I walked out of the kitchen with Camilo. 

"Do you wanna see my room?" he asks me, pointing towards his door. I look toward it, I remember being curious about his room.

"Yes, can we?" I say excitedly.

He laughs, "right this way ma'am," he says in a deep voice.

He opens the door and I look around. It was very spacious, a little messy but being in there made me feel warm inside. I notice in the middle was a very large bed with lots of cushions, on the left-hand side was a massive mirror. I laugh.

"Hmmm, do you spend all your time looking at the mirror," I ask him trying not to laugh.

"Yeah duh, I practice shapeshifting in front of it," he mumbles. I smile at him. On the right-hand side of the room was a box of sports equipment and another was with instruments. Then something caught my eye, a guitar. I quickly run to it and grab it.

"You can play this?" I ask looking toward him.

"Nope, not at all, my music sounds like garbage," he mumbles before laying down on his hammock.

I strum the guitar with my fingers, gently going over each string. It sounded like the best guitar I've ever heard. I look towards the other box. 

"Let's play ping pong," I say after noticing the bats.

"Hmm, okay," he agrees, getting off his hammock, "first let's go outside my room."


"Because I said so, now come," he says walking out the door.

I take a step outside his room before he closes it then opens it back again. I step inside examining the new room, wow it looked completely different to before. I noticed a massive court with a ping pong table in the middle.

"You ready y/n?" he asks, passing a bat to me, "you can be blue and I'll be red, you serve first." 

I stare at him in amazement, "you can shapeshift your room too?"

"Oh yeah I can do that too, depends on my mood though," he tells me looking at me.

We walk towards the table, standing on the opposite sides. I look towards him as he begins stretching. I smile, I'm gonna win this definitely. Once he finished stretching, I take the ball and serve. The ball hits the table as it goes over the net. He swings the bat but misses.

I smile, "1 point for me, you serve now."

He smirks at me, "oh this is just the beginning y/n,"

We play for a while, the sounds of the ball hitting the table fill the air. In the end, it was a draw, I was quite impressed with his playing.

"Okay it's a draw," he says, sweat droplets appearing on his face. He looked exhausted already.

I laugh, "Come on, just one more round, whoever loses has to make food later."

"Fine okay," he rolls his eyes, "I'm definitely gonna win."

Hmm, will he though?

He serves first, hitting the ball hard but it was too easy for me. The round went on for a while till he accidentally hits it too gently, resulting in the ball hitting the net.

I wave my hands in the air, "YESS, I beat you, now you have to cook," I say in triumph.

He rolls his eyes, "okay good game y/n," walking towards me and shaking my hand.

I shake his hand back, "ok now go cook," I ordered him.

"Yes ma'am," he says in a high pitched voice, before leaving the room.


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