chapter 15 - on a date

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"EVERYONE BACK INSIDE!" someone shouts.

Camilo and I look at each other, his hand still tightly wrapped around mine.

"It's Antonio's performance, we better go watch," Camilo says before leading me back inside.

We were both excited to see what Antonio got prepared for us as he excitedly explained to us before. As we entered the Casita, for some reason, Camilo was still holding my hand. Did he not care if his family saw him? I nudge him and he looks at me confused.

"Look," I say staring at our hands, "are you not afraid your family will notice?"

"Uhhh...they kinda already know," he says scratching his neck before looking back up. I blush, wait he told them? Maybe Dolores did.

I looked in the middle of the floor and there was Antonio in a cute white suit.

"Hello everyone! Today I will present to you my two tigers, who will be doing tricks that I have trained them for! They can do flips, hops, dance and all sorts of things! Now meet ZARA AND STRIPES !" he says confidently. Two big tigers enter the middle.

I look toward Camilo and notice him smile at his brother. Aw, I kinda wish I knew what it was like to have a sibling. My mother didn't really spend time with me so I was mostly alone at home.

We watched the tigers do multiple tricks and I was pretty impressed. When he finished, the tigers lifted him up and he bowed. The audience applauded, cheering for him. I clapped and cheered his name multiple times.

When he finished he ran up to us and hugged Camilo, then me.

"Did you guys like it, did you? did you?" he asks while jumping up and down.

I laugh, "Oh yes, when Zara balanced on top of Stripes, I was very impressed," he giggles.

He runs off again.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" I ask him. I felt hungry...again.

He nods and smiles. We walk to the table and grab a few of the stuff. It was really good and I kept taking more.

"Wow you're pretty hungry," he says with food in his mouth.

"You know it's rude to talk while chewing your food," I mock him remembering what he said to me before we became friends.

"Hey!" he says before laughing

I join in his laughter.

The rest of the night I spent my time talking to Camilo in his room. We were tired from the party and I nearly fell asleep while Camilo was talking.

"You could stay for the night?" he asks quickly looking at me, "you look tired, your eyes are drooping down. Here, wait outside."

I slowly walk outside his room and he stands beside me. He stands and thinks for a bit then opens the door. I look inside and I see a massive hammock with cushions and blankets. I ran and jump into it, he follows behind me. I dig my face into the soft cushions, it smelt just like him.

"This is the best thing ever," I talk into the cushions.

 I could hear his soft laugh.


I move my hand slightly and felt something breathe against it. My eyes flutter open and look up to see where I was. I see my hand on Camilo's face, my body wrapped around him. My cheeks begin to flame up and I dig my face into his chest to hide from embarrassment. I hear his heartbeat softly against my cheek, it begins to beat faster. Sh*t he's awake.

I feel a hand touch my head. He pats it gently. 

"You slept for hours, it's nearly lunch now," he says while patting my head.

"Iwonwannawakup," I mumble.

He laughs, his chest moves against my face, "okay y/n." 

My stomach begins to make noises.

"Why don't we get some breakfast?" he mumbles.

"Mmmkay," I saw lazily before rolling off his chest.

We decided to make breakfast in the kitchen with Julieta.

"Did you want to use the shower room y/n? Since you stayed over, you can use any of our facilities here," she smiles. She is the sweetest, she makes you feel like she's your own mother even.

I smile, "Oh thanks Julieta, I appreciate you guys a lot, your like a family to me," I say honestly.

She smiles at me, "Here y/n, I got your sausages and egg, now you guys go eat now," she says before leaving.

My plate smelt amazing and I was super hungry, I could tell Camilo was too as he kept stealing food while Julieta was cooking before. We sat outside to eat before meeting Isabela and Dolores.

"You're still here y/n?, I thought you went home," Isabela laughs before sitting down.

"Of course she didn't go home," Dolores says before rolling her eyes.

"I was too tired to go home so I decided to stay over," I say before stuffing the egg into my mouth.

Isabela looks at me suspiciously.

"What are you guys planning to do today?" she asks.

I look towards Camilo then back to them, "Ummm..."

"I'm taking her out today," he says before taking a bite out of the sausage.

My whole body blushes. My eyes widen after he mentioned it. I quickly drink the glass of water in front of me to save myself from embarrassment. I place the glass down, and I nod at the two of them.

"Okay, see you around y/n, we're gonna go decorate the park a bit, it's dull at the moment," Dolores says standing up before leaving with Isabela.

I smile wave goodbye to them, "okay see you later,"

I finished my food right before Camilo did and both of us ended up staying outside for a bit because we were too full to do anything.

"Where do you want to go today?" I ask him looking towards him.

He looks at me and thinks, "hmmmm, let's go paint?" he says, "we can get some pottery down In town and a few more art supplies because I'm out of brushes and paint."

I think about how cute the idea sounds.

I smile at him and nod, "yes that sounds like a great idea."

We take our plates back into the kitchen and Julieta offers to clean them. I can't thank her enough, I felt bad that she did it for us but she really wanted us to go spend time together. I tell him I needed to take a shower but I realised I didn't have another set of clothes. I decided I might as well wear the same one.

As I opened the door to the bathroom, I see Mirabel brushing her hair.

"Oh hey y/n, need the bathroom?" she turns to look at me.

"Yup, the bathroom is huge by the way," I say while looking around the place. The tiles were beautifully coloured in orange, reminding me of Camilo's favourite colour. The bath was huge and the shower head was so high up. It was fancy.

"Did you want one of my dresses, or are you gonna wear that again?" she laughs.

"Oh my god, please I need another dress to wear," I practically beg her.

She smiles and leaves to go get one of hers. 


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