His and His Alone

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Izaya skipped merily down the street with a wary Dakota beside him. Hands in her pockets, she walked with Izaya, through the newly blanketed Ikebukaro. Every time someone on the street did something unexpected, or a sudden noise was heard, she would Flinch and slow her pace until she regained a little composer. She'd been flinching at every little movement around her all day, and had hardly taken her eyes off the ground since they left Izaya's apartment.

"... Izaya, do you have to prance around like this? You're drawing unnecessary attention.."

"Hmm? Soo?~"

"You're creeping out all the old people..."

"Why is Dako-Chan being such a downer lately?~"

"Wha-What did you just call me?"


"Don't call me that.."

"Why not?" Izaya stopped and turned around, blocking Dakota from walking.

"Because I said so." She walked around him.

Izaya ran back infront of her and started walking backwards.

"I can call my pet whatever I want, Whenever I want, until I get bored of doing so." Izaya said with a grin.


Dakota stopped walking as they passed an alleyway. She gazed between the two buildings as Izaya stopped aswell.

"Why are you so boring todayyy?~ Dako-Chaaan, Entertain meee!~" 

Just then, a very loud "IIZZAAYAAA!!!" was heard, and a wild Vending Machine appeared in the sky. It just barely missed Izaya, But it struck Dakota, Sending her tumbling into the alley and snow. Izaya smirked and turned to see Shizuo on the other side of the street, looking rather angry, as usual. Izaya backed into the alley, and turned to see Dakota, lying in the snow.

".... Izaya.... I'm... I'm going to fuck up your boyfriend..." Was followed by some coughing by Dakota, and a smirk from Izaya. Dakota didn't even try to get up, she just laid there. In a decent amount of pain, she stared at the Sky.

"Shizu-Chan, you monster! Are you blind?" Izaya said as he turned when he heard Shizuo enter the alley. "Talk about being blinded by rage!~ You completely missed me but managed to hit poor Dako-Chan!~"

Dakota rolled her eyes and tried sitting up. Shizuo looked past Izaya, finally noticing Dakota's presence. "Oh.."

"Yeah.. On that note, I think I'm gunna go. You too love-birds have fun." Dakota said as she stood up and againt the brick wall.

"We're not lovebirds!" Shizuo snapped.

" 'Course you're not. You're 'Friends with benifets'. My bad." Dakota corrected herself as she managed to stand on her own.

"Dako-Chan, you can't leave!~ Think of what Shizu-Chan will do to me!~ I won't be able to stop him!~ He'll have his way with me and-"

"Shut up, Flea!!"


"Izaya, I honestly don't care. Part of me hopes he actually does have his way with you. I could record it and sell it to Erika. Maybe put it on the internet.. Or both, depending on how sexy and awesome it is."

At that point, both Shizuo and Izaya glared at her. She gave them a quick smile, which left as soon as it came. As she passed by Izaya, he started to grin evily. As she passed Shizuo, she got a look that could kill.


"Dako-Chaan~ I escaped Shizu-Chans terrifying clutches unharmed, no thanks to you." Izaya said as he walked into his apartment. Dakota didn't answer. Izaya knew she was there, the jacket she was wearing was tossed onto the couch ever so nicely.

A few minutes later, upon further inspection, Izaya finally checked his room and found his pet passed out on his bed. Why his and not her own, like the couch or something?

Izaya smirked a little and walked over to the side of the bed she was facing and stood over her. She was snuggled up in his blanket and sheets, and looked perfecly content.

Izaya reached out to touch her, when she suddenly grabbed his wrist, scarring his slightly. She was sitting up a little with wide, blue eyes. The blanket receded down her torso a little, revealing the dark purple wife-beater she was wearing under her jacket earlier, do to her being to lazy to find a shirt before her and izaya left. She let go once she realized it was Izaya in the room and not.. Someone else.

 "..Sorry Izaya, But you shouldn't do that to people.."

"Hmm. I thought you were asleep."

"Yeah, Sleep doesn't like me.."

"...That aside, why are you in my bed?"

" 'Cause it's nicer than the couch."

"You know, there is another bedroom in my apartment. Reserved for you, if I recall."

"Yeah, but.. This ones nicer." She said, almost in a whisper.


"... Are you going to be a pedophile and watch me sleep? Go bug Namie or something.." Dakota laid back down.

"I would, but she's no fun..."  Suddenly, the blankets were off Dakota, and an evily smirking Izaya loomed over her instead. "I wanna play with Dako-Chan.~"

A slight blush slowly crept over Dakota's face as Izaya's red orbs peered into her blue ones.

"Izaya, don't get weird.."

"But Dako-Chan's been acting weird all day..." Izaya said as his lips brushed past her ear.

"That's a different kind of Weird, Izaya, It doesn't count."

"You still never told me where you got all these marks from, has someone else been playing with my toy?" He lightly traced a bruise on Dakota's shoulder.


"You know you belong to me, and me alone, right? No one else is allowed to touch my Toys but me."

"I'm not you're T-" Dakota let out a slight gasp as Izaya bit the side of her neck. He smirked at her reaction. He loved it.

And he wanted more. 

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