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"Let's bother Shizu-Chan!!"

"Dude you had me bother him yesterday, not right now.."

"I know, but He'll hate it so much. Besides, when you said you'd work for me, I do recall you agreeing to do whatever I asked." He smirked. That was true, she did agree to that... Dakota sighed and closed the magazine she was reading and tossed it to the other side of the couch. "Fine.."

Dakota got up lazily and stood by the door with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. Izaya stopped spinning around in his chair and frolicked over to the door, already wearing his jacket. He opened the door for Dakota and the two walked out as Izaya called, "Be back soon!" To Namie, who in turn rolled her eyes, as usual.

Its been about three and a half weeks since she became Izaya's new playmate. He loved taking her along to bother the protozoan, and to stir up trouble. He especially loved it when she went up to Shizuo alone, But when it was just her and Shizu-Chan, there weren't as many objects being thrown through the air, just childish insults that they would both throw back and forth, while Shizuo would chase her down and ask where Izaya was or what he's planning, or why she thinks he's a gay bartender in love with the flea.

She was one of the more amusing humans he watched over and always looked for her weaknesses, what made her tick, what got her pissed off. She was so interesting and saw through his little games with her. He hated it but loved it at the same time.


It wasn't before long when the duo spotted the hot headed blonde. He was walking down the street, away from them. The two didn't say a word, but smirked in unison at the sight of their prey. Time to launch a surprise attack.

Izaya and Dakota walked hastily through the crowds until they were just a few feet from Shizuo. In unplanned unison they both screamed "Shizu-Chan!!", which caused the blonde to immediately stop walking.

"How many times do I have to tell you ... STAY OUT OF IKEBUKARO!!" That was followed by, what literally was a totally random street sign, to be whirled around at Izaya and Dakota. Shizuo obviously missed, of course, and the duo jetted into the alley way. Shizuo immediately followed and yelled at the two.

Izaya and Dakota split up. Shizuo chased Izaya into the street, to once again, get hit by a car. Of course the protozoan got up and immediately resumed the chase, eventually chasing Izaya to a dead end, brick wall.

"No where to run, flea. Where's your little Stray now?"

"Its not nice to call Dakota a stray, Shizu-Chan. Only I can do that."

Izaya backed up into the wall. Shizuo got all up in his face and was about to choke Izaya out when a wild Dakota appeared and pulled her jacket over Shizuo's head, Allowing Izaya to escape in that quick second, Dakota followed as she pulled her black and white jacket back on. Shizuo growled and quickly ran out of the alley to look for the two, but they had vanished.

Next time, for sure, he would get them.


Shortly after destroying Shizuo's mood for the day, Dakota and Izaya went their own ways. Izaya went back to his place, while the Alley Cat went back to her business. Izaya returned to his apartment, walked in, and happily greeted Namie.

"Izaya, are you feeling alright?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Izaya asked Smiling as he spun in his chair, at his desk.

"You seem a little.. Different, Lately." Namie stated in her usual monotone voice near the bookshelf, as she took a novel.

"Hm?" With a confused look, he stopped his chair and sat up a little. His face quickly resumed its usual smirk and he laid back in his chair. "How?"

"Well first of all, you're more annoying than usual. I'm starting to think you have feelings for Ms.Misora, Izaya."

"Namie, I love all my humans equally, not just Ms.Misora, not one more than the others in general." He said as he turned his chair slowly. "It would be unfair to all my other precious humans, to like one of them even the slightest bit more than the others. I don't want them to have to go through such torment. I'm not that cruel."

Namie just rolled her eyes, and walked into the kitchen with the book she held, leaving Izaya with his stupid masked opinion of his feelings. Who is she kidding? Izaya, in love? Impossible! He can't devote himself to someone in such a way, he never even thought of such a preposterous thing! Namie, messing with his head like this! What does her opinion matter anyway!?...

Izaya refused to believe it, he could not, would not, never in a million years! Although, Dakota was such an erratic human, definitely one of his favorites- But he could Never admit that! Let alone, to Namie, when he could barely admit it to himself!!

He needed to get his mind of such an absurd subject. He logged on the dollars website and decided it would be a good time to mess with his other humans, remind him why he studies them all- But none of his subjects were online. He needed to clear his mind, take a walk maybe?..

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