The Client

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He's dead.

Izaya is dead, or atleast he will be when that guy leaves! The amount of mental torture he has Dakota going through demands payback. She can't move, or make a noise. If she did- She doesn't even want to think about that. All that she can do is stay sitting behind that couch in hopes that Izaya's "Client" doesn't see her. Waiting for the convo to end is unbearable!

"I will call you when If i find something." Smiled Izaya in his chair.
"Thank you." The man stated, and took his leave. The second that door closed, Dakota sprang up. She opened her mouth to yell at Izaya, when she noticed the door knob move and she quickly fell to the floor.

"What was that?" Asked the man as he cautiously opened the door.
"Just my cat being idiotic as usual, please don't mind it. Did you forget something?" Smiled Izaya as Dakota narrowed her eyes, growing increasingly anoid behind the couch.

The man nodded, grabbed the keys he accidently left on the couch, and left. Behind that very same couch, Dakota had stayed motionless for over half an hour, hoping and praying not to be discovered.

As the door closed again, and for the last time, Dakota was next to Izaya so fast, him and his smirk flinched a little. She stood still trembling from the fear of being discovered, as she lashed out at Izaya. About two minutes in, knives came out, and it got pretty hectic as Izaya happily raced around the apartment, and eventually town, as Dakota unsuccesfully tried to kill him. They crossed paths with Shizuo, but he just stood there as he noticed Dakota in a fit of pure rage, cursing out Izaya.... Okay... Plus he was with Tom, so.. Find out whats up later..

After an anything but blissfull dash around the city with Izaya, Dakota's adreneline wore down, and she just couldn't chase down Izaya anymore. He turned the corner, but she didn't. She stood back and leaned against the brickwall of some building in the backstreets. After a few seconds, Izaya returned around the corner happily.

"A little tired are we, Dakota-Chan?" He smiled.
"Izaya.. You're a prick." She panted out. She could hardly see straight, let alone breathe. Her health wasn't exactly up to par lately. She decided to close her eyes and try to slow her breathing, while Izaya continued to speak.
"Whaaah? I am no such thing Dako-chan!~ Don't say such mean things!~" 
"Shut up, Izaya... I am going to murder you.." Her breathing and heart-beat were hard as she slid down the wall  to sit on the ground, with her face in her hands.
"Why was he there." It was more of a demand than a question.
"Why was he there!" Dakota growled with narrowed eyes glaring up at Izaya as her heart continued to race at unsafe levels.

Izaya continued to joke around with Dakota's anger. Seeing how she would obvously get only a heart-attack out of this, she just decided to stop Talking to Izaya completely. "Whatever.." As he continued to speak and egg her on, she just sat there with her eyes closed, thinking and zoning out, ignoring everything and Izaya. When Izaya realized Dakota didn't want to be fun anymore, he tried to think of something to spark any kind of reaction from her. Unable to think of much except a few litte things  that he would never do again, he decided to press the subject to a point where Dakota could ignore him no longer. If that didn't work, he would either try something else, or leave....

Then he mentally spazzed a little when he thought of how a tired Dakota could get targeted by a hater or two if he just ditched her, and he actually kind of cared. He shook his head a bit, and realized Dakota looking up at him in a way that would set fire to his soul. He grinned and lowered himself to her level.

"What?" He asked with a sly side smile. Dakota looked away, now content with her breathing slower and heartrate at less than its recent high. He smirked.


""Just tell me!"
"C'mon, Please?!~"
"Hey look, Namie's back! Go bother her." 
"She's no fun! I already know everything about her! But my research on you is still missing some pieces.~"

Dakota sighed. Izaya had been bugging her for a few days now, but today has been a full frontal asualt compared to the others. He has yet to leave her side. She went to the kitchen, he followed. Went out, he followed. Took a nap, he followed and hovered over her the entire time. Now she's trying to read and eat this damn cookie, and guess what, he's still being annoying.

"Namie, you're a girl, how would you feel if your p-" Izaya couldn't really finish his sentence because Dakota shoved her cookie in his mouth. She closed her book, threw it at Izaya, aiming for a 'place', and stood up. Namie raised an eye brow with a slight smirk. Dakota walked over to Izaya's desk, grabbed his jacket, and flung it on, and left, leaving the door wide open behind her. As if Izaya would follow her without his jacket.


As planned, Izaya did not follow Dakota. 

As hoped, The alley cat swiftly turned corners with no one haters on her tail, as she made her way toward something, reall anything, that would get her mind of that stupid Izaya, and his stupid client.
Low and behold, a wild Shizuo had showed!
And Dakota new just what to do.
She popped up the hood of Izaya's amazingly comfy jacket, put her hands in the pockets, and turned around to casually strut away. 
And as planned, He took the bait. Dakota immediatly started running the second she heard Shizuo's growl of rage. She had to get back at him for hitting her with that vending machine, but wasn't entirely sure on how to go about it. So she'll just do whatever she sees fit, until a real plan comes to mind.~

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