Keeping Silence

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*Insert Ringtone Here* .... *Do that again*.... *Once more*

Dakota pulled her phone out of her bag and flipped it open. "Hello?" 

"Why hello there my stray friend!" Dakota pulled her phone back and looked at it for a sec. ... "Are you aware of the fact that you are calling me at two in the morning?" "But of course! I had something I thought I should share with you." "... Okay, That's awesome and all, but you seriously couldn't wait till later?" Dakota sighed.

It was two in the morning! She laid half on, half off a comfy wooden bench. She was dozing! And he had to go and ruin what could have been a good five minutes off sleep.

"I'm afraid not, unless you want to stay outside all night as the prey of Ikebukaro's Slasher. You know you're a sitting duck in that park, right? For the Slasher and any thugs who care to wander by."

"... I'd appreciate it if you did your job instead of stalking me, Mr.Orihara. Its not polite. And I can watch out for myself, thank you very much." Dakota replied. She's heard plenty to know that Izaya had a history of watching over people like god, but seriously? Can't you be god later at a more reasonable hour??

"I do admire your wanting to prove your independence, but even I wouldn't want to be out right now." 

And the second after he finished his sentence, Dakota's hood was pulled up into a sitting position by her hood, and a knife was brought to her neck. "Its not safe," Smirked Izaya behind her.

Dakota flipped her phone closed and waited for Izaya to move his knife away, but he didn't.

"Now about what you saw yesterday..."  

"Oh your little friend? What about her?" Dakota asked calmly. 

"I'd appreciate it if you forgot it ever existed." 

"Yeah, like I'm gonna go blurt it out to the entire town." 

"I'm serious Ms.Misora. If such a thing were to leak out, something may happen..." He warned Deviously.

".. Fine. I promise I won't tell anyone about your creepy head fetish." And Izaya withdrew his knife with a hardly noticeable sigh.

"Although I do wonder how Celty would react." Stated Dakota as she finally put her phone in her pocket, and gazed over her shoulder to see Izaya's reaction. The guy looked like he was going to pee his pants. She wouldn't!!

Dakota stood up and twirled to face him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I won't say a word, I swear." She gave a little bow for show.

"..." Izaya didn't have much to say. This human, one he couldn't read, couldn't fully understand, could ruin his fun!  


That can't happen. 

That's impossible. 

He can't think like that.

"Izaya, I obviously won't say a word to anyone! So if your done with your mental Spazztacular, would you mind telling me exactly why you decided to hunt me down this early in the morning? Or was that it? Can I go n-"

"... A proposition."
"As long as you work for me, and say Nothing of You know What to another being, I might have a place for you to stay.."
" I'd like to know where you are if I ever needed to find you."

Dakota raised an eyebrow as she pulled her hood back up. A place to stay would be quite nice. Of course she would miss her comfy little bench there..

"But if I sense the slightest hint of betrayal, I will immediately kick you out and you will be back on the street, along with the Slasher and all your other little friends." Not much of a threat since she's lived on the street for a few years now. He really had nothing to hold against her, did he?

"... Where would I be staying, exactly?"

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